Andrew Breitbart died 4 years ago today

Andrew Breitbart died four years ago today:

Very sad news to report, just breaking. Andrew Breitbart is dead….There are few people who are irreplaceable, but Andrew may have been one of those few.

I really can’t add a lot to what I wrote the day of his death, A personal note on the death of Andrew Breitbart:

I only spoke once with Andrew Breitbart. He reached out to me, and we spoke by phone. The topic is not important, but I was shocked that he even knew who I was; but as I’ve come to learn, Andrew seemed to know who everyone was in the conservative blogosphere. He was just that way.Since my wife called this morning to let me know of Andrew’s death, it has been hard to focus on anything else. In her words, we don’t have that many bright media lights, and to lose him hurts.Andrew lived in a world without restraints. He could be who he wanted to be, a luxury few bloggers have, particularly those who blog under their own name and work for others.I live in a world of restraints, and I envied Andrew’s freedom more than you can know.

Rush Limbaugh’s on air announcement rings as true today as then:

Andrew was a close friend of Mandy Nagy, Legal Insurrection’s former Editor, who served as his key researcher. As longtime readers know, Mandy suffered a stroke a year and a half ago, and still struggles to recover. I know from conversations with Mandy how much Andrew meant to her, and from what others have written, how much she meant to Andrew.

I’ve tried to do my small part in honoring his legacy by fighting the relentless battle to set the record straight that he did not misleadingly edit the video of Shirley Sherrod:

Setting the historical record straight is the least I could do. Hopefully I can do more in the future.

[Andrew Breitbart, image created by reader Patricia]

[Featured Image: Andrew Breitbart confronting Max Blumenthal at CPAC 2010]
Tags: Andrew Breitbart, R.I.P.