Trump Handles Iowa Loss as Well as Expected

Watching the votes trickle in from Iowa’s Caucus Monday night, I suggested a second-place finish for Trump would be an unenjoyable experience for us all:

Less than 48 hours later, Trump had a meltdown for the history books. He accused Sen. Ted Cruz (who won 27.6% of the vote to Trump’s 24.3%) of “stealing” the Iowa Caucus.

Trump referenced the kerfuffle between the Cruz and Carson campaigns as evidence of Cruz’s “fraud.” In actuality, CNN reported Carson would be leaving Iowa (and he was), Cruz’s campaign circulated the news to its caucus goers, who were instructed to inform their respective voters.

When CNN’s report went live, Carson’s campaign said he was returning home for “fresh clothes.” Adorable if true. But, someone from Camp Carson had to give the network the impression Carson was on his way out.

See here:


And here:

CNN reporter Chris Moody also reported:

A big story? Hardly. Simply politics and it ain’t always pretty.

Point for the voter violation mailers which were in poor taste. I mean, nothing says “limited government candidate” like leveraging public data to intimidate voters. But I digress.

Fact check: Does it smell like something’s burning? Because YOUR PANTS ARE ON FIRE.

Did Trump say he would “repeal and replace” Obamacare? Yes. He also said he’d replace Obamacare with something the government will pay for… Universal Health Care.

Record Republican turnout? Meh. Sen. Cruz received more votes than any candidate in Iowa Caucus history? Double meh. Trump wants those votes nullified!

Trump is toying with filing suit over the Iowa Caucus results. BuzzFeed reported earlier:

Donald Trump says he will probably sue over the results of the Iowa caucuses, accusing Ted Cruz of committing voter fraud to win.In an interview on Boston Herald Radio on Wednesday, Trump criticized the Cruz campaign for spreading a CNN report saying Ben Carson would not travel to New Hampshire and South Carolina after the Iowa caucuses, suggesting Carson was getting out of the race. Cruz apologized to Carson on Tuesday for his campaign not sending out updates that Carson was doing laundry and not dropping out.“One of the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen. They said he was quitting the race and to vote for him,” said Trump.Asked if he would sue, Trump said, “I probably will; what he did is unthinkable. He said the man has left the race and he said it during the caucus. And then when the clarification was put out by Ben Carson saying it’s untrue, they got the statement and they didn’t put it out.”

Sarah Palin, who recently endorsed Trump, jumped on the “Cruz stole Iowa” bandwagon this afternoon, posting a lengthy rant to her public Facebook page:

Dirty Politics: Witnessing Firsthand It’s Always Heartbreaking, Never SurprisingThank heavens Donald Trump opened so…Posted by Sarah Palin on Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Maybe 2014 Trump was on to something:

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Donald Trump