Texas Campus Carry Opponents Fight the Law

Have you noticed that when liberals win it’s the “law of the land” and when liberals lose it’s an injustice which needs to be corrected?

A new Texas law allows college students to carry guns on campus but opponents aren’t happy.

FOX News reports:

Showdown looms in Texas over university’s reading of campus carry lawTexas’ new law allowing college students to carry guns on public campuses doesn’t take effect until August, but it’s already triggered a showdown.University of Texas-Austin President Gregory Fenves declared this week that he’ll comply with the law, but claimed a loophole allows him to ban firearms in dormitories.“I do not believe handguns belong on a university campus, so this decision has been the greatest challenge of my presidency to date,” Fenves wrote in a Feb. 17 letter to students, faculty and staff. “However, as president, I have an obligation to uphold the law.”The law authorizes those with permits “to carry a concealed handgun while on the campus of a public, private, or independent institution of higher education.” But Fenves believes the law allows him to impose a dormitory ban.That interpretation is not likely to sit well with state Attorney General Ken Paxton, who in December said that a ban on guns in dorms would be flouting the law.“If an institution placed a prohibition on handguns in the institution’s residential facilities, however, it would effectively prohibit license holders in those facilities from carrying concealed handguns on campus, in violation of S.B. 11,” Paxton wrote in a letter to lawmakers. “This is because ‘rules, regulations, or other provisions concerning the storage of handguns in dormitories’ presupposes their presence in dormitories.”

Here’s a video report about the law from Wochit News:

Newsweek reports that there will be lawsuits:

University of Texas at Austin Could Face Lawsuits Over Campus CarryThere are also restrictions on people carrying guns while working with minors. And while carrying a semi-automatic handgun, carriers cannot have a round of ammunition in the chamber.The policies do not generally prohibit guns in classrooms, a point for which faculty members had voiced concern. A working group had recommended against such a sweeping prohibition.“Under the law, I cannot adopt a policy that has the general effect of excluding licensed concealed handguns from campus. I agree with the working group that a classroom exclusion would have this effect,” Fenves wrote in the letter.“It’s a case where he wasn’t willing to take the political risk of going farther and acting on his convictions and for that we’re disappointed,” says Max Snodderly, a member of the group Gun Free UT and a neuroscience professor at UT Austin.“We intend to continue to push for not having guns in classrooms and not having guns in the dormitories,” Snodderly says, adding that the push is “going to entail legal action.”

Why must liberals stand in the way of progress?

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: College Insurrection, Education, Texas