Rick Santorum to Exit GOP Presidential Race (Update – Endorses Rubio)

Rick Santorum runs for president second time 2016 pennsylvania senator

CNN reports that former Senator Rick Santorum will end his presidential bid from Pennsylvania Wednesday night.

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum is ending his presidential bid, two Republican sources told CNN.He is expected to make the announcement Wednesday night and will endorse a candidate.Santorum won the 2012 Iowa caucuses and ended that race with the second-most number of delegates to eventually GOP nominee Mitt Romney. But he was unable to capture any momentum this year, despite extensive barnstorming efforts in Iowa.He is the third Republican presidential candidate to drop out after Monday’s caucuses. Mike Huckabee ended his campaign that night, and Rand Paul suspended his campaign Wednesday morning.Santorum faced a drastically different landscape this year than he did in 2012. A crowded field of 17 Republicans and lackluster early polling kept him off the main debate stage for each of the GOP debates. He also faced competition for the hearts evangelical voters, particularly from Ted Cruz.His retail politics were also no match for the media-centric, playbook-defying campaign of Donald Trump, the brash billionaire who left little room for candidates to win a moment in the spotlight.

Yet Jim Gilmore remains determined.

UPDATE (by WAJ): On the Greta show Santorum just endorsed Marco Rubio. Will post the clip when available.

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Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Rick Santorum