NY Times “can never quite find elusive answer to question why Palestinians keep murdering Jews”

The NY Times, as most of Western media, always is looking for a “reason” for the current Palestinian wave of terror that is unrelated to Palestinian responsibility. It’s always a search for a way to excuse the terror, including the knifings by Palestinian teens of Israelis, particularly targeting Israeli women.

A January 19, 2016, NYT article by Steven Erlinger typifies the genre, Anger in a Palestinian Town Feeds a Cycle of Violence

Raed Jaradat was 22, an accounting student from a well-to-do family here, already working part time with his father in his stone quarry and construction business. After Dania Ersheid, 17, was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers who said she had pulled a knife at the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron, a version disputed by Palestinians, Mr. Jaradat wrote an angry post on Facebook: “Imagine if this were your sister!”

Stephen Flatow takes apart both the Erlinger article and the genre, Let’s play the ‘blame Israel game’ with The New York Times:

Following The New York Times’s tortured search for the reasons behind the “anger” that causes Palestinian violence is like watching an episode of “Finding Bigfoot.” Tantalizing hints, frustrating glimpses — but the solution to the mystery always seems to be just out of reach.No matter how hard the Times tries, it can never quite find the elusive answer to the question of why Palestinians keep murdering Jews.But just like those intrepid Bigfoot hunters, the Times won’t give up the search. It could be a reality show: “Finding Palestinian Anger.” But it might grow tiresome pretty soon because of its utter predictability: every possible answer the Times comes up with involves pointing an accusing finger at Israel.

Flatow then explodes the narrative of the Palestinians killed:

Correspondent Steven Erlanger believes he has uncovered an explosive clue: no less than 12 of the “young Palestinians killed over three months” all came from the same town, Sa’ir.Erlanger offers details about the deaths of five of those twelve.One was Dania Ersheid, age 17. Yes, she was killed by Israelis — after she pulled out a knife and was about to stab Israelis to death in nearby Hebron. Here Erlanger offers Times readers a first glimpse of that “Palestinian anger”: Miss Ersheid’s cousin, 22-year-old Raed Jaradat, “wrote an angry post on Facebook about her death: ‘Imagine if this were your sister!’ ”Well, no, I can’t imagine that — in fact most normal people can’t imagine that because our sisters don’t try to stab people to death. But Raed was so “angry” about Israelis shooting back at his knife-wielding cousin that he decided to follow in her footsteps: he went to a nearby Israeli security checkpoint, “where he stabbed and seriously wounded a soldier before being shot to death himself.”“Hours later” — Erlanger implies a connection between Raed’s death and what he is about to describe — another cousin of Raed’s, 19-year-old Iyad Jaradat, “was killed at an angry demonstration at Beit Anoun, hit in the head by a rubber-coated steel bullet.”What Erlanger calls an “angry demonstration” is a euphemism for a mob of Arabs hurling deadly firebombs and bricks at any Jew within range.So far, then, we have three Palestinians who were killed trying to commit murder, two of them acting out of “anger” that Israelis had defended themselves instead of allowing themselves to be murdered. The chutzpah of those Jews!

Then Flatow gives the spoiler, something was already knew but the Times and Western media never will acknowledge:

Sorry, but those explanations just don’t cut it. So long as The New York Times keeps promoting the myths of Palestinian “hopelessness,” “humiliation,” “fear,” and “occupation,” the search for the real cause of Palestinian anger will continue forever.The way to bring this unwelcome reality show to a quick and deserving end is to face the simple truth: They murder Jews not because of anything the Jews do, but simply because — spoiler alert! — they hate Jews.

Read the whole thing, there are many other very good parts.

The part that got me the most, though, was not actually part of the article but Flatow’s bio:

Stephen M. Flatow is an attorney living in New Jersey. He is the father of Alisa Flatow who was murdered by Palestinian terrorists in April 1995 and founder of the Alisa Flatow Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Alisa Flatow’s Wikipedia Page reports:

Alisa Flatow (October 5, 1974 – April 10, 1995) was an American Jewish student who was killed in the Islamic Jihad suicide bombing known as the Kfar Darom bus attack in 1995….She attended the Frisch School in Paramus, New Jersey and Brandeis University.[1] During the 1995 spring semester she was participating in a Jewish study program in Israel.[2] She was on her way to the beach in Gush Katif with two friends when the bus exploded.[3]When Flatow succumbed to fatal head wounds at Soroka Medical Center, the family donated her organs to save the lives of others.[4] After doctors declared her brain dead, her father authorized the removal of her heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas and corneas.[5] Thousands of people attended the memorial service in Flatow’s honor at Congregation Ahavas Achim B’nai Jacob and David in West Orange, New Jersey.[6]

[Alisa Flatow Memorial, Gedera, Israel][Photo credit, Gilabrand]

There is a lot more to this story, including Stephen Flatow’s legal battle against Iran and banks that did business with Iran. I think I need to tell that story one day.

[Featured Image: VIDEO: Palestinian Bus Terrorist’s Mother Pulls Out Knife During Interview]

Tags: Israel, Media Bias, NY Times, Palestinian Terror