Teen Ted Cruz Contemplates World Domination and Being a Porn Star

I’m not sure if this was meant to be an oppo-dump or just funny, but it’s certainly the latter.

A video posted to a YouTube account called “Young Ted Cruz” Saturday shows an 18-year-old Sen. Cruz sitting next to a fountain at Second Baptist School in Houston, Texas talking about his life goals.

“Aspirations? Is that like sweat on my butt?” joked Cruz.

Teen Cruz had big hopes and dreams like one day starring in a “teen tit film.” But if that didn’t work out, he’d be content to “take over the world, world domination, you know — rule everything.”

The video concludes with a question to Cruz’s father. “Do you think Ted’s gonna rule the world one day?” Cruz Senior was asked. “I hope not,” he said smiling.

Surely there’s some sinister element to this video we’re all missing, right?

More likely? The Teen Cruz home video archives prove that 18-year-old guys will always act like 18-year-old guys, even if they do run for the highest office in the land thirty years later.


Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Ted Cruz