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Rand Paul to Spend “Every Waking Hour” Trying to Stop Trump

Rand Paul to Spend “Every Waking Hour” Trying to Stop Trump

“Donald Trump takes us in the wrong direction. He would be a disaster.”

Despite his and his team’s efforts, Rand Paul’s presidential campaign has simply not taken off.  The global unrest and Islamic terrorist threat work against him in this cycle, and he’s clearly shaken by how little support he has managed to acquire.  In addition to refusing to appear in the undercard debate, Rand is now taking a stand against Donald Trump.

In an interview on The Alan Colmes Show, he vowed to spend his “every waking hour” to “try to stop Donald Trump.”

The Hill reports:

Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul on Thursday pleged to spend “every waking hour” trying to keep rival Donald Trump from winning the GOP nomination.

“Donald Trump takes us in the wrong direction. He would be a disaster. We’ll be slaughtered in a landslide,” Paul said in an interview on the Alan Colmes radio show, as first reported by BuzzFeed. “That’s why my every waking hour is to try to stop Donald Trump from being our nominee.”

“I think we, the Republican Party, becomes the party of angry people that insinuate that most immigrants are drug dealers or rapists, that’s a terrible direction for our party,” he said.

“We’re never going to grow as a party. We’re never going to increase our vote among the Hispanic population, the black population, among women — all those things we need to expand our party.”

Listen to the clip:

Rand’s comments are apparently focused only on the primaries because he did also state that if Trump wins the nomination he will support him out of party loyalty.

“I’m a Republican, and I think if you don’t support the nominee, it harms even those like myself. Because, for example, I was not the establishment pick when I ran for the U.S. Senate, but I agreed I would support them if they won, but they also agreed to support me, so it works both ways.”

“It sounds terrible, ‘Oh you’re going to support Donald Trump,’ but I expect Donald Trump to support me as well if I win.”

[Featured image via The Hill]


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It sounds like RP considers politics a “growth industry”. A bit peculiar for a Libertarian.

Fuzzy, please NEVER use anything from that drooling nutter moron MoFo…aptly named.

Rand should sit down now, and think carefully before he opens his mouth again. For about two weeks. He isn’t just not helping himself, he’s actively hurting himself.

I agree that T-rump needs to be stopped, but for entirely different reasons.

Rand is for bringing the largest number possible, including minority voters, into the Republican party. I agree with Rand on that. Is Trump really the one to bring the largest number conservatives into the party?

    Olinser in reply to ldwaddell. | January 18, 2016 at 3:33 pm

    Conservatives are sick and tired of the RINOs in charge whining about bringing other people into the party. They want them to do what they said they were going to do.

    We’ve given Republicans the biggest majority in Congress in 70 years and they not only have done nothing with it, they’ve continued to capitulate to Obama on the Iran deal and on the laughable joke of a budget.

    Enough with bringing people in. Trump is in the lead for one single reason – he’s said he’s ending illegal immigration, and people believe him.

Love Rand Paul. Good man. Don’t want him for president, but very happy he is in the Senate.

We’ll find out shortly whether Trump’s popularity equates to votes. If it does, Rand Paul will be as out of touch as McConnell and the other corrupt hacks hogging the leadership positions of the GOP.

Well, Rand does know how to stop his own campaign.

Folks like Rand don’t want to accept the historic reality that as a society become more ‘multicultural’, i.e., balkanized, it divides along racial not philosophical lines politically and philosophical arguments become nothing more than pretext for racial voting or philosophy gets completely relegated to background noise. Barry O learned this growing up in Hawaii where, as a practical matter, philosophy plays no part whatsoever in electoral campaigns. At least Trump has a real grasp of the new politics which are racial politics. In a multicultural world the words conservative and liberal will have less and less practical meaning.


““That’s why my every waking hour is to try to stop Donald Trump from being our nominee.”

And no one has called BS yet?

This is the kind of nonsense statement (actually, it’s a blatant lie, but I’m being generous today) that passes for earnestness in 8-year-old children and most politicians in Washington.