German newspaper Berliner Morgenpost reports that Germany’s capital Berlin is rapidly turning into an “Islamist stronghold” in the heart of Europe. Germany’s domestic intelligence agency BfV is monitoring some 680 Islamists in the city. The agency classified 360 of these Islamic radicals as capable of carrying out violent attacks. These figure where released by the City of Berlin, as local authorities launched several ‘social programs’ to ‘stop the radicalization of youth.’
The newspaper also confirmed that 50 Islamists have returned back to Berlin after serving in the ranks of the Islamic State. The Berliner Morgenpost doesn’t say, but these ISIS-returnees are most likely back on the dole and receiving tax-payer funded counselling from their social workers and psychologists, to help them cope with the trauma of having brutalized underage sex-slaves, beheaded infidels, and desecrated places of worship sacred to Christians or other faiths.
These revelations from Berlin coincide with the terror warning by EU’s law enforcement agency Europol. According to Europol, Islamic State may now have “hundreds of militants in countries across [Europe]” that are “ready to bring murder and mayhem to the streets.” London-based Daily Mail reports:
Islamic State are plotting mass casualty terror atrocities in Europe following the massacres in France last year, the EU’s crime-fighting agency has warned. (…)This militants have set up a specialist command after carrying out horrifying strikes against Western targets, including the machine gun assault and suicide bombings which murdered 130 people in Paris last November.A report by Europol, the agency set up to share intelligence, crime-fighting techniques and bolster cross-border police co-operation, said there was ‘every reason’ to expect another IS attack.It said: ‘There is every reason to expect that IS, IS-inspired terrorists or another religiously inspired terrorist group will undertake a terrorist attack somewhere in Europe again, intended to cause mass casualties amongst the civilian population.
The report compiled by Europol also warns of Islamic State’s plans to strike in Europe using “marauding machinegun-wielding gunmen”, much like the Mumbai terror attacks of 2008, a tactic repeated two months ago in Paris, France.
Since last year, Islamic State has repeatedly urged its followers worldwide to carry out attacks against Western countries using available means such as firearms, knife, and even vehicles to kill unsuspecting civilians. This tactic perfected by Hamas and other terror groups against Israeli civilians, has now become a weapon of choice for global Islamist jihad. Despite under-reporting by the mainstream media, these so-called “inspired” attacks are getting ever more common in the West.
Berliner Morgenpost confirmed that German authorities are well aware of radicalization campaign aimed at young Muslims in refugee housing facilities. The federal and local authorities have responded by funding so-called nationwide “violence prevention networks” run by “educational workers” in vague hopes of keeping these young men from radicalizing.
But if past record in Germany is any indicator, the very instruments meant to educate and fight radicalization of Muslim youth end up as recruitment tools in the hands of Islamists. Using Religious education to combat Radical Islam in German schools is one such example.
As Germany faces the rising threat of Islamist terrorism, the sobering truth is that the country has failed to combat Radical Islam within its rapidly growing Muslim population.
Most tragic of all, Germany has failed to extend the hand of support to those brave Muslim men and women who dare to defy the violent fanatics within their own community.
Video: Wochit News reports on Europol’s latest terror warning:
[Cover image courtesy Vox, YouTube screenshot]