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Border Patrol Agents Chip in to Give Unaccompanied Minors a Merry Christmas

Border Patrol Agents Chip in to Give Unaccompanied Minors a Merry Christmas

A little Christmas cheer for lonely kiddos

Border Patrol agents at Texas’ Rio Grande Valley Processing Center spent part of Christmas Day with unaccompanied immigrant minors.

According to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection:

“These children are thousands of miles from home, and most of them are essentially alone for the holidays as they came here without their parents or another family member,” said Chief Patrol Agent Manuel Padilla Jr. “Christmas is a tough time to be without your family, so management at the CPC got together and raised money to purchase gifts for the kids and help make Christmas better for them.”

With beaming smiles and excited cheers, the children greeted Santa Claus as he arrived on Christmas Day to deliver the gifts and homemade treats that were baked by the wives of Border Patrol agents.

Statistics recently released by CBP show the number of unaccompanied minors encountered thus far in the 2016 fiscal year. Should the trend remain steady, 2016 could see more unaccompanied minors than any year previous.

unaccompanied minors fiscal year 2014 2105 2105 statistics immigration customs and border protection illegal immigration cbp

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What kind of depraved parents send their children alone on a trip of thousands of miles, and at the mercy of the unknown character of adults who accompany them? This is more of Obama’s mischief and more of media’s blindness. It’s all good. It’s for the children.

JimMtnViewCaUSA | December 29, 2015 at 5:12 pm

Best would be to send them home.

This wave is the direct result…cause >>> effect…of Barracula policies.

I wonder how many little brown children’s blood is on his hands? I wonder how many little kids have been raped because of him?

Paul In Sweden | December 30, 2015 at 7:26 am

Alone coming children is a joke that is not funny in Sweden. Our fastest 14 year old track star alone coming child looks to everyone that is not a far leftist just like a 35 year old with two wives back in his home country with 14 year old children of his own. Next door in Norway where they actually started examining the alone coming children found that 9 out of ten of them are in their 20s and 30s. This presents a problem, especially that many of them are sick and require medicine but because they are ‘children’ they can only receive children’s doses of medicine.

Another example of Swedish journalists’ ineptitude in distinguishing children from adults comes from the daily, Kristianstadsbladet. In 2012, the paper told the story of “the fastest 14-year-old in Sweden,” Saad Alsaud, reported to hold the record in the 100-meter dash for Swedish 14-year-olds (11.82 seconds). In the picture, you can see the “14-year-old” running with actual children around 10 years of age — except he looks more as if he is their father than a few years older than them.

They have sent about 1,000 ” kids” ages 12-18, mostly over 15 to camps around Dallas. These ” kids” look 25-30. The amount spent of OUR money in each is obscene.
We could cut that by a 1/10 give them the money and send them home.