Al Sharpton Calls on Rahm Emanuel to Resign as Chicago Mayor
When you’ve lost Al Sharpton…
As embroiled Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel faces a chorus of criticism, the choir just got a little bit louder. MSNBC host and activist about town Al Sharpton called for Emanuel to resign.
At the center of the controversy — police-involved shootings.
The Hill reports:
Civil rights activist Al Sharpton wants Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to step down amid mounting criticism over the delay in releasing video evidence of a high-profile shooting and the continuing controversy surrounding police-involved shootings in Chicago.
“He’s gone beyond the point where he can govern with the trust of the people,” Sharpton said Monday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” Sharpton, a minister and MSNBC host, runs the civil rights group National Action Network.
“I think the people have to make that decision, but certainly from where I sit, he should,” Sharpton added when asked if Emanuel, President Obama’s former chief of staff, should step down.
The rash of criticism began just before Thanksgiving, when Chicago police released a video of officers shooting and killing Laquan McDonald 16 times. McDonald, a 17-year-old black man, held a knife but was at a distance from the officer when he was shot.
The video wasn’t released until more than a year after the incident, and reports say the police deleted surveillance video from a nearby fast food restaurant.
Sharpton noted the accusations that Emanuel’s administration withheld the tape during his mayoral reelection and questioned why the mayor is still on vacation in Cuba with his family.
“I’ve never seen this kind of detachment in the years that I’ve been fighting, whether I got along with the mayor or not,” he said.
“This is the height of either insensitivity, lack of intelligence, or arrogance or a reasonable combination of all three.”
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Perhaps Sharpton could try to bankrupt him with ethics charges/lawsuits. It’s an old Alaskan trick. Ask Rahm how its done.
That only worked in Alaska because they had a really sloppily written ethics law, which was largely Palin’s doing. It was a very strong law, and written with the naïve assumption that charges would only ever be brought in good faith, and that the investigators would always act in good faith. Palin learned the hard way that this could not be relied on.
You can be sure that Illinois’s ethics laws were written with the accused’s protection foremost in mind.
Gorsh. Rahm may have to deal with this when he gets back from Cuber.
Heh…!!! I love it that rats eat rats!
Of course, the poor people of Chicago will continue to have rats for governance. They CAN change that, but it would take a small revolution.
I never watch network news. However last night when I turned the TV on it was on a network & I left it there as I settled in.
This story was on. They interviewed area blacks. It was like they were off the set of Who’s the Daddy?
It was like going back 55 years ago to the worst stereotypes expressed in that times ni**er jokes.
Barry Soetoro, Tiny Dancer, Al Sharpton have been wonderful for black people.
A pity it took so many deaths under Liberal authoritarianism for Al to come (partially) to his senses.
Here is my wish for the people of Chicago, that they continue to get what they so richly deserve.. good luck to them in manipulating the legal system to recall Rahm, and then let them elect Sharpton. lmfao!
“Resist we much!”
“Never let a crisis go to waste.”
Al “Big Head, Little Body” Sharpton doesn’t even LIVE in Chicago! He is a NYC hustler (see Tawana Brawley, ‘Freddie’s Fire Storm’, etc.)
What really galls me, however, is that all of this hootin’ and hollarin’ centers on people who haven’t worked real jobs in decades. In fact, I think Rahmbo, in his days as a ballet dancer, is the only working stiff in the group. The working stiffs of Chicago deserve better than this circus.
This fool owes millions in taxes. Why hasn’t the Oblamo IRS arrested him and put him in Federal Prison ? Only Laws for the working ” Middle Class.?”
So Emanuel delays the video until after his re-election. Where was Al on this political ploy when Obama carefully timed the unveiling of the enormous real costs of Obamacare until after HIS re-election?
Btw, AL, Has Obama invited you to the WH lately? What happened there, buddy? You out of favor? Is your pal too busy supporting ISIS to bother with your tired race-baiting?
Emmanual should demand Sharpton resign, if he can figure out what Sharpton does.