Thanksgiving | Politics | 2015
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Thanksgiving for our political blessings

Thanksgiving for our political blessings

What about the 2015 political landscape makes you thankful?

Perhaps we can add to our thanksgivings today by contemplating what we have to be thankful for on the political stage….

10. I’m thankful the Republicans are fielding many presidential candidate options for the voters, rather than the Democrats’ coronated queen.

9. I’m thankful special-snowflake protesters are exposing the farce that is our modern-day education system for all to see, indisputably.

8. I’m thankful there is more transparency over inner-city strife, and that cover-ups have been brought to light.

7. I’m thankful for the majority-good police who strive to keep the public safe and exercise restraint in the face of great testing.

6. I’m thankful for FOX Business, my recommended alternative to the increasingly Telemundo-like FOX News. (Stuart Varney and Charles Payne are simply excellent.)

5. I’m thankful that we are being awakened to the extreme danger the First Amendment faces instead of it slipping away quietly into the night.

4. I’m thankful that Americans care enough about our country being a refuge for true refugees that we are trying to get it right when it comes to Syria.

3. I’m thankful for the example Americans have set abroad this year, from incident on the French train to our military, they are representing our values well.

2. I’m thankful for the foresight of the Framers in crafting a Constitution that provides a bright line for understanding just how our society affirms freedom and where it has gone wrong, so that we might proceed to fixing it.

1. I’m thankful that the community at Legal Insurrection affirms that there are still those out there who understand, who care, and who will do something about fighting for our great and exceptional country.

What about the 2015 political landscape makes you thankful?



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Conservative Beaner | November 26, 2015 at 5:17 pm

I’m thankful for living in the best country in the world, no matter who is running the show in Washington.

I am thankful for the new media.

I was there when it became possible to cross-check the news using more direct online sources that used to be the underpinning of the news I consumed, and I was horrified at the prejudice, inaccuracy and sheer laziness of the reporters and editors my parents had trusted.

I’ve come to recognize that accuracy is no mean feat, and that early reports of breaking news tend to contain speculation.

However,I also have come to recognize that most of the established media is in bed (sometimes, literally) with a single political party in the United States. If our country is going to survive, the media monopoly in this country has to end.

I was not alone, and now there are some very powerful new news aggregators and commentary.

We need this so much.

DINORightMarie | November 26, 2015 at 8:19 pm

I’m thankful for Ted Cruz. I believe he was raised up to be the leader at such a time as this. I also believe he is the Reagan of our era.

I am thankful that people are not listening to the media quite as much, are questioning what they say more and more, and that political correctness is jumping the shark so massively that we may just see some move away from it toward reason and sanity, once again.

I agree whole heartedly with Valerie’s comment.

Here are two other comments that have stayed with me.

Doug Ross said this:
“… Today I also give thanks to the Republican Party, its leaders, and its media. I give thanks to the party’s agenda — in the wake of the Mississippi Senate primary and numerous derogatory remarks — as it made clear it sought to wage war against us. It is a fact that the Republican establishment seeks to expel conservatives from the party.”

And I don’t know who said this:

“…I’d rather have a known billionaire I elected representing me than a hundred faceless billionaires, I don’t know, who are backing another candidate for their own best interests”…