Pope Francis: Christmas Festivities “a Charade” while World at War

During a homily that followed the massacre in Paris, Pope Francis said the “whole world is at war”.

His most recent homily was darker still, declaring traditional Christmas festivities a charade during this time of global turmoil:

The pontiff put this holiday season in perspective during mass at the Basilica di Santa Maria last week. His speech comes after a rash of notable violent incidents, including the now infamous terrorist attacks in Paris, as “we are close to Christmas. There will be lights, there will be parties, bright trees, even Nativity scenes – all decked out – while the world continues to wage war.“It’s all a charade. The world has not understood the way of peace. The whole world is at war,” Pope Francis said. “A war can be justified, so to speak, with many, many reasons, but when all the world as it is today, at war, piecemeal though that war may be—a little here, a little there—there is no justification.”

The Pope expanded his blame from weapons dealers to weapons makers for the continuing strife:

“You can not serve two masters: either God or riches.’ War is the right choice for him, who would serve wealth: ‘Let us build weapons, so that the economy will right itself somewhat, and let us go forward in pursuit of our interests. There is an ugly word the Lord spoke: ‘Cursed!’ Because He said: ‘Blessed are the peacemakers!.’ The men who work war, who make war, are cursed, they are criminals. A war can be justified – so to speak – with many, many reasons, but when all the world as it is today, at war – piecemeal though that war may be – a little here, a little there, and everywhere – there is no justification – and God weeps. Jesus weeps.”

Pope Francis is clearly feeling the stress of being a prime target of ISIS terror operatives, and so the bleak attitude is understandable. Especially in light of the fact that an attack during one of the holiest seasons for Christians is especially tempting for radical Islamic terror organizers.

In fact, British security experts indicate holiday shoppers are likely to be the next target:

A terror expert has warned the festive period makes the iconic landmarks in the UK a “soft target”, with tourists, shoppers and revellers a likely target.MI5 has warned Britain is facing the highest threat of a terror attack than it has ever experienced, with seven terror attacks foiled in Britain in the last six months alone and nine disrupted overseas in this year alone.

Despite ISIS-video threats against New York City’s famed landmarks, residents are planning to continue with their usual festivities:

Several holiday-themed events opened this week with increased police presence. The annual Union Square Holiday Market opened Thursday, and Urbanspace, the organization that runs the market, said it expects to have just as busy a holiday season as ever.“We’re going on as usual this year, but obviously we’re cognizant of what’s going on in the world,” said Rachel Van Dolsen, a spokeswoman for Urbanspace. “The holiday market has been in New York for over 20 years, it has integrated itself into the city’s culture, it’s become an institution.”

The Pope is now in Kenya as part of his African tour, which will include masses in that country and Uganda. Despite the butchering of Christians at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists, including 147 university students in Nairobi in April this year, the Holy Father is still traveling through the streets in a simple Honda with windows open.

Should a jihadi sniper decide to take aim, it will not be a gun maker or ammunition dealer that would be responsible for the ensuing tragedy. The free market does not control the choices people make to embrace evil or ignore real world risks to themselves.

Sunday is the start of Advent, and the season will be celebrated with candle lighting and prayers in Catholic homes around the world…including mine. I will be enjoying these festivities all the more, because the continued chaos makes me more deeply appreciate the many blessings I have (including a being Legal Insurrection author).

I will also be saying prayers for Pope Francis, that he remains safe and learns to embrace the fact that an economic system is not our enemy.

That last prayer may require a miracle to fulfill.

(Featured image: Time video)

Tags: Pope Francis