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Keep Calm and Let Adele Save Thanksgiving

Keep Calm and Let Adele Save Thanksgiving

In case of emergency, hit ‘play’

If you will, forget the last few decades of Saturday Night Live before watching this. This sketch busts out of the disappointing mold SNL has fashioned for itself as of late.

Much has been made about the political tension at the Thanksgiving dinner table. It’s ridiculous, but “How to talk to _________ at Thanksgiving” pieces are an epidemic. Thankfully, there’s an easier solution. Adele. Adele will save you and your family from a contentious holiday.

Just watch.

Truly, a Thanksgiving miracle.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye


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She has complained about lousy government services and high taxes: “I’m mortified to have to pay 50 percent! [While] I use the NHS (National Health Service), I can’t use public transport any more. Trains are always late, most state schools are shit, and I’ve gotta give you, like, four million quid – are you having a laugh? When I got my tax bill in from [the album] 19, I was ready to go and buy a gun and randomly open fire.” —

— but by her own words, is blindly liberal, being a “labour girl, through and through.”

Creative talent and political idiocy: it strikes again.

That was supposed to be funny?