In the newest edition of Afterburner, Bill Whittle lays blame for the recent terror attacks in Paris and Mali at the feet of liberals who appease and reward radicalized Muslims.
Whittle points out that increased immigration to France from Muslim countries led to no-go zones which became incubators for radical Islam. Instead of dealing with this problem, he continues, socialists rewarded immigrants with more sympathy and benefits.
Finally, Whittle asks why the West is responding to mass murder and terrorism with peace signs, a point which was also made recently by Stephen L. Miller of National Review.
Watch the whole thing below and please leave your thoughts in a comment.
If you watched the whole thing, you may have noticed that Whittle said Sweden has become the rape capital of the world. That wasn’t an exaggeration.
James Zumwalt writes at The Daily Caller:
Sweden Opened Its Doors To Muslim Immigration, Today It’s The Rape Capital Of The WestAs Europe confronts the social and financial realities of its largesse in opening its doors to millions of Muslim immigrants, it is time the tale of two countries is told.The tale is an important one as the two countries involved have taken completely different approaches to Muslim immigration and the preservation of their own culture. As such, both provide examples of the proverbial canary in the coal mine on this matter.Sweden began opening its doors to Muslim immigrants in the 1970s. Today it pays a high price for having done so. The group suffering the severest consequences of such an open door policy has been Swedish women.As Muslim men immigrated to Sweden, they brought with them an Islamic culture sanctioning rape. It is a culture bad enough inherently in the treatment of its own women. Under sharia, Muslim women serve little more purpose beyond catering to their husbands’ sexual demands. A non-submissive wife runs the risk of being raped by her husband.
Funny how American “rape culture” activists never point that out.
Featured image via YouTube.