A Ted Cruz moment for me

This video has been around since July.  I had heard about it, but never watched it. I’m not sure how, but I stumbled upon it last night.

In the video, Ted Cruz’s rally opposing the Iran nuclear deal was interrupted by Medea Benjamin and other Code Pink protesters.

Cruz could have reacted many ways. He could have shouted down the people shouting him down. He could have insulted them. He could have had security push them away.

But instead, he engaged. That’s what was important to me. The confidence to engage rather than avoid. Standing face to face with hostile protesters was very Andrew Breitbart-like.

When you watch this video, forget who won the argument, but focus on Cruz’s willingness to debate the leader of Code Pink, someone used to grabbing the spotlight. Cruz reduced Benjamin to a sideshow rather than center stage. It’s almost as if she was not there.

For me, watching it was a Ted Cruz moment.

Tags: Code Pink, Iran Nuclear Deal, Ted Cruz