Young Voters: Marco Rubio Most Relatable Candidate

When it comes to relatability, young voters peg Senator Rubio as the winner.

A Fusion-hosted panel of younger voters during the third Republican Presidential debate unanimously agreed Marco Rubio was the most relatable.

Citing his honesty about his law school loans and the fact that he didn’t begin life with a large inheritance, panelists explained Rubio was most “like them” and better able to understand the plight of the average American than other candidates.

One panelist who began the debate as a Jeb supporter, was particularly interested in the student loan debt issue saying he attends the same law school Rubio from which graduated.

Rubio has spoken about the student loan debt issue on more than one occasion, saying he had to write a book in order to pay off $100,000 in law school loans.

Relatability isn’t the only place where Rubio seems to be gaining headway. Despite terrible moderators in the third Republican presidential debate, Rubio had the breakout performance he needed to convince donors he’s capable of reeling in the support needed to cross the finish line.

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Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Marco Rubio