House Freedom Caucus’ Justin Amash Endorses Paul Ryan for Speaker

Libertarian Rep. Justin Amash is publicly supporting Paul Ryan in his bid for Speaker of the House, The Detroit News reported Thursday morning.

Following House Majority Leader McCarthy’s sudden withdrawal from the race for the gavel, Ryan reluctantly agreed to take on the job as Speaker Boehner’s replacement, provided he could be a, “unifying figure.”

The Detroit News reports:

Rep. Justin Amash of Cascade Township said he is among the Republican conservative hard-liners who have decided to back Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan’s bid to become the next speaker of the House.A “supermajority” of the 40-member House Freedom Caucus voted to support Ryan for speaker late Wednesday, giving Ryan sufficient support to win the position, should he decide to run. The vote came after meetings with the House Ways and Means committee chairman this week.The caucus did not meet its 80-percent threshold for a formal endorsement, the group said in a statement. The group previously endorsed Rep. Daniel Webster, R-Florida, for speaker.

The House Freedom Caucus has not overtly endorsed Ryan but they’re not exactly fighting the proposition either, posting the following statement to their official Facebook page.

With other representatives who’d originally mulled a Speakership run also throwing their support behind Ryan, there has yet to emerge any other candidate who can both 1) win, and is 2) more conservative.

Ryan has also said he will not pursue immigration reform as long as President Obama is in office.

Now that Ryan’s received the endorsement of the RSC…

It’s probably safe to say:

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Tags: House of Representatives