Rising Islamism in Germany

A high-profile trial is currently underway in Germany. 26 year-old Ebrahim H.B. and 27 year-old Ayoub B. are facing terrorism charges after returning back from Syria, having served as ISIS combatants. Just like in U.S., the German mainstream media too is clueless about the motivations of these two jihadists. Media can’t credibly talk about “resentment” and “alienation” in case of this relatively prosperous duo, it has to contend with “personal distress” and trauma as main reasons to explain the pathological behaviour of the alleged terrorists.

Ebrahim H.B., a German citizen of Tunisian-origin is charged with planning a suicide bombing in Baghdad. The media repeatedly emphasized the “quiet” and “shy” nature of the alleged ISIS-mastermind, who joined the Terrorist group just because his “planned wedding was called off”. The leading German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung reported [Author’s Translation]:

On Monday, Ebrahim H.B. told the Regional High Court in Celle that he had been very upset at that time. In spring of 2014 his fiancée called off their planned wedding. “I felt extremely humiliated by that.”

According to the same report, the second defendant Ayoub B. stuck to his original claims despite “repeated intensive questioning” in the courtroom, maintaining that he “only went to Syria for Koran-Studies” and help in “humanitarian” efforts.

In winter of 2013, weeks before heading to Syria, the duo attended a “charity-fundraising” organised by Germany’s high-profile Islamist preacher Pierre Vogel.

Pierre Vogel (37) is one of the most prominent Islamic preacher in Germany. The former professional boxer converted to Islam in 2001 and regularly appears on prime-time German talk shows. Vogel or Abu Hamza, as he is known in the Islamist circles, repeatedly denied any connection to ISIS in the past but has never openly condemned or distanced himself from the terror organisation.

He is not the only native German at the helm of the Islamist movement. Sven Lau, alias Abu Adam, runs a radical outfit operating in Rhineland region (NRW). In 2014, Lau briefly led the self-styled “Sharia Police” enforcing Sharia on the streets of Wuppertal — a gang disbanded after running into trouble with the law enforcement.

Rest assured, these two ISIS-returnees will take recourse of all the legal provision under the German law, while they and their comrades granted none to their victims. Around 500-600 Germans are still in Syria and Iraq fighting for ISIS. Once they return back, they too will use the very Western laws and provisions, they so despise. And return they would, even they themselves don’t want to live in the medieval hellhole they created with such religious fervor.

Once these fighters get battle-fatigued, they will rush back home, claiming their generous ‘infidel-funded’ welfare benefits. They know exactly well how stupid we are; Question is: Do we?

A [German language] report by public broadcaster ARD on ISIS propaganda campaign in Germany:

Tags: Europe, Germany, ISIS