Martin O’Malley: Democratic Party acting “in such an un-Democratic way”

Martin O’Malley is angry at his own party for the lack of Democratic debates, and who could blame him? He’s so starved for media attention that he’s taken to bashing Donald Trump.

O’Malley makes a valid point—what’s the DNC so afraid of?

David Sherfinski of the Washington Times reported:

Martin O’Malley rips DNC presidential debate scheduleFormer Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley on Tuesday ripped the Democratic National Committee over its presidential debate schedule, saying Democrats aren’t going to stand for the “meddling” and “limiting of debate” the DNC is trying to pull.“There are people throughout Iowa and New Hampshire who are outraged that the Democratic party is trying to act in such an un-Democratic way,” Mr. O’Malley said on MSNBC’s “The Rundown with José Díaz-Balart.” “So I think you will see more debates. I plan to go to as many debates as I possible can.”Earlier this month, the DNC released a schedule of six presidential primary debates. The first, an Oct. 13 debate in Nevada, is followed by debates in the other early-voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina.Mr. O’Malley’s camp had gone after the schedule soon after it was released and he continued the criticism Tuesday.“We’ve now moved from 1 percent when I got in this race two months ago, and then we went to 3 percent [and] now we’re at 7 percent. I’m seeing a tremendous desire in our party and in our country for new leadership and an executive who has the ability to get things done,” he said.

O’Malley was recently interviewed by George Stephanopoulos and complained again about the lack of Democrat debates.

As you watch the video below, consider the fact that O’Malley, like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, spends a considerable amount of time campaigning on a bad economy and a lack of jobs without once mentioning the current administration.

O’Malley is also annoyed that most of his Democratic rivals are skipping an immigration forum in Iowa this weekend. Suzanne Gamboa of NBC News reports:

Martin O’Malley Blasts Democratic Rivals For Skipping Immigration ForumDemocrat Martin O’Malley’s campaign accused his rivals for the party’s presidential nomination of ceding the immigration debate to Donald Trump because they are skipping an Iowa immigration forum this weekend.O’Malley and former Sen. Lincoln Chafee, D-R.I., are the only two candidates planning to be at the #UniteIowa forum that is intended to be a bipartisan event promoting what its creator, Des Moines Register columnist Kyle Munson, intended to be a “thoughtful, statewide conversation on immigration.””Democrats should not cede the immigration debate to Donald Trump, but that’s exactly what they do when they skip critical forums like the first-ever #UniteIowa immigration forum,” O’Malley spokeswoman Gabriela Domenzain said Tuesday. “If anything it shows that Democrats are all words, no action when it comes to immigration.”

O’Malley doesn’t have much of a chance to snag the Democratic nomination but hey, you can’t blame the guy for trying, right?

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Martin O'Malley