Josh Groban sings Donald Trump tweets
“Donald Trump’s tweets will make you laugh, will make you cry, but mostly will make you cry.”

Josh Groban joined Jimmy Kimmel Live Tuesday night.
As part of a sketch, a piano-playing Groban sang tweets written by Donald Trump. The tweets are in fact, real.
“Josh Groban’s The Best Tweets of Kanye West was the number one album of 2011. And now, his highly anticipated follow up, The Best Tweets of Donald Trump.
“Donald Trump’s tweets will make you laugh, will make you cry, but mostly will make you cry,” said Groban.
Groban sang tweets penned by The Donald himself which read:
“I’ve never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke.”
“Amazing how all the haters % losers keep tweeting the name “F**ckface Von Clownstick” like they are so original and like no one else is doing it…”
“Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest – and you all know it. Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure, it’s not your fault.”
For those disappointed The Best Tweets of Donald Trump is not actually a thing for sale, fret not. The Donald opened his official campaign store today.
Our online campaign store is open! Visit for #MakeAmericaGreatAgain merchandise including my signature hat!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 18, 2015
For $25, you too can own this “Make America Great Again” official Donald Trump campaign hat.
Even the littlest Americans can get in on The Donaldmentum with this signature onesie.
But mostly, The Donald recommends the hat:
My official #MakeAmericaGreatAgain hat is now available online. To shop please visit — it is selling fast!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 17, 2015
Follow Kemberlee Kaye on Twitter @kemberleekaye

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Who is Josh Groban?
Let me guess….Stalin’s Left Kidney?
I kind of know who Jimmy Kimmel is, having watched his show once, which was quite enough, but I’ve never heard of Josh Groban. Should I be grateful?
I wikioogled him. He’s sold a boatload of records. I need to get out more. Or not.
You’re not missing anything at all with Rogaine Grogan…..
There are times when I find knowing something more embarrassing than not knowing it.
Sad when entertainers are no longer entertaining
I miss the guys from JibJab:
“I’m a right-wing nut bar!”
“I’m a liberal weiner!”
“This land will surely vote for me!”
Is this really LI worthy? It’s like gossip column politics.
Story selection has been a problem.
I thought it was funny.
LI has truly been a great site, but this kind of stuff is a dangerous slope to slide down.
For example, would you want to be lumped in with Conservative Treehouse or Red State? It’s too easy for the idiot mob to push for your irrelevance; you have to be much, much smarter than this.
Kemberlee I enjoy knowing that Groban must be a Democrat propagandist. Keep up the good work exposing……