Hillary Milhous Clinton?

Bob Woodward Hillary and Nixon

Bob Woodward and his Washington Post colleague Carl Bernstein broke the Watergate story over forty years ago but everything old has become new again.

Yesterday on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Woodward made a direct comparison between Hillary Clinton’s emails and Nixon’s tapes. Jesse Byrnes of The Hill:

Bob Woodward compares Clinton emails to Nixon tapesVeteran Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward on Monday compared Hillary Clinton’s private email account to the Nixon tapes.“Follow the trail here,” Woodward said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” noting that emails erased from Clinton’s private server when she led the State Department were either sent or received by someone else, too.“You’ve got a massive amount of data. It, in a way, reminds me of the Nixon tapes: thousands of hours of secretly recorded conversations that Nixon thought were exclusively his,” Woodward said…Clinton, now a Democratic presidential candidate, turned over her server last week to the Justice Department amid a federal probe after questions about her private email haunted her on the campaign trail for months. Woodward predicted the fight over Clinton’s emails wouldn’t end soon.

Here’s the video of Woodward’s remarks via the Washington Free Beacon:

As if all of this isn’t ironic enough, here’s another historic twist. Early in her career, Hillary Clinton worked with the House committee which oversaw Nixon’s impeachment.

Way back in 2003, Ben Shapiro wrote this rather prescient column for TownHall:

Hillary Rodham NixonHillary Clinton cut her teeth on the Watergate scandal. As a counsel for the House Judiciary Committee impeachment inquiry staff, she made it her mission to topple President Nixon. Hillary helped drafted a document that would provide the legal basis for three articles of impeachment. The House Judiciary Committee’s former chief counsel, Jerome Zeifman, later revealed that the Hillary-penned document changed the existing impeachment protocols in order to burn Nixon. According to Clinton biographer David Maraniss, Hillary believed Nixon was “evil.”Yet more than any other political personality, Hillary resembles her nemesis. Not in policy matters: Nixon was a center-right politician, while Hillary is a far-left radical posing as a centrist. But in terms of career path, Hillary has clearly patterned herself after the man she loved to hate.

What’s that old saying about being doomed to repeat history?

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Bob Woodward, Hillary Clinton