Prepare to be entertained: Draft Biden Super-PAC starts grassroots push

draft biden still

Are you ridin’ with Biden in 2016?

If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re not; but if you’re a Democrat, and you’re on the fence about who to support in the upcoming primary battle, there’s a super-PAC that would like a few minutes of your time.

The prospect of a Biden presidential run feels like a fever dream (or nightmare, depending on how easily amused by political theatre you are.) Since he first took his place as Vice President in 2009, Biden has defined himself not by savvy policy moves, but by behavior that likens him more to America’s Crazy Uncle Joe than America’s #2 Leader.

Still, his believers are out there in the form of the Draft Biden PAC, and they’re starting a major grassroots push aimed at convincing the Vice President to make a run for the Oval Office.


In terms of optics, they checked all the boxes: lots of young people, strong minority presence, all wrapped together with a social issue ribbon. It’s bland, but it’s also a hard sell—something that this particular PAC is relying on.

According to Draft Biden organizer William Pierce, the group isn’t putting any money behind promotion of the video, and is instead relying on a network of supporters to jumpstart and increase organic exposure.

In case you were wondering, yes—that’s code for “we don’t have enough money to buy ads for this.”

Lack of money is a problem, but it’s also expected at this point. The numbers aren’t exactly working in Biden’s favor at this point in the game. Via The Hill:

Hillary Clinton remains the front-runner in the race for the Democratic nomination, but recent polling shows Biden would have an impact on the contest if he were to run.According to a Monmouth University survey released earlier this month, Clinton takes 51 percent support nationally, followed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) at 17 percent and Biden at 13 percent.But the poll found Biden’s entrance would shake up the race. In addition to Biden’s 13 percent support, an additional 12 percent of Democratic voters said they’d be likely to support Biden if he took the plunge, and 31 percent said they’d be somewhat likely to support him.Most of that additional support, 68 percent, would come from those who are currently Clinton supporters.“Most people seem to be focusing on a Sanders surge among the liberal wing of the party,” said Monmouth polling director Patrick Murray. “But the bigger threat to Clinton may come from a Biden candidacy, where the two would be fighting for the same voters.”

The “shake up” is what this group is counting on—and what could give Hillary a run for her money if a grassroots push translates into a large enough movement to convince Biden to jump in.

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary