OPM Director resigns, CNN blames Republicans

Friday, Office of Personnel Management Director Katherine Archuleta resigned from her post. Her resignation comes after weeks of Congressional hearings over the massive data breach that exposed the personal information (including social security numbers) of more than 21 million people at last count.

Archuleta went to the White House where she resigned in person, according to the New York Times. The NYT also reported the deputy director of management at the Office of Management and Budget, Beth Cobert will step in to temporarily.

As recently as a few weeks ago, Archuleta was blaming the massive hack attack on “legacy systems.” Forbes reported:

Amidst the fallout and despite calls for her resignation, OPM Director Katherine Archuleta claimed Tuesday that no one was “personally responsible” for the OPM breach at a Senate hearing of the Financial Services and General Government subcommittee.“This is decades of lack of investments in the systems we inherited. We have legacy systems that are very old. If there’s anyone to blame, it’s the perpetrators,” Archuleta said. “I don’t believe anyone is personally responsible for OPM breach. I’m angry that this has happened to OPM, and I’m moving as quickly as I can to protect OPM systems.”

Archuleta’s statement of resignation:

Meanwhile, CNN responded by blaming Republicans for their failure to vet Archuleta.

“Aides to Republican lawmakers who voted for her confirmation now acknowledge they didn’t pay enough attention to the importance of technology in the agency Archuleta was taking over,” wrote CNN.

Right, because it’s totally the Republican’s fault Obama Fan Girl #1 sucked at her job.

Appointed Director of the OPM in 2013, Archuleta stepped into the role of OPM director after serving as national political director for President Obama’s re-election campaign. Gee, it’s almost like we’ve seen this story before. Community organizer turned government official turns out to be severely under qualified.

Inability to own their actions is one of the hallmarks of modern progressives and the media that adores them.

As Instapundit reminded us:

Which reminds me:

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Tags: hackers, Media Bias