ICC prosecutor appeals Judges’ request to reconsider closing of Gaza Flotilla prosecution (Update – Appeal Papers)

Earlier this month we reported on an outrageous decision by the International Criminal Court requesting that the ICC prosecutor reconsider her decision to close the investigation into the Israeli raid on a Gaza Flotilla boat, the Mavi Marmara. In that raid, Turkish Islamists and activists attacked Israeli soldiers, resulting in 9 deaths of the attackers.

Confirmed: International Criminal Court biased against Israel:

The key to the outrage was that the ICC demanded that international political considerations be taken into account by the prosecutor, something that normally would be outside the consideration of a prosecutor, and a consideration that taints any ruling directed at Israel. The ICC compounded that error by specifically requiring consideration of the views of the anti-Israel UN Human Rights Council.

The prosecutor has just appealed the request, as reported by multiple sources. (Update – Appeal here, and embedded at bottom of post.)

The appeal is in the form of a request to dismiss the application of the Comoros Islands, which had given rise to the ICC judges’ ruling:

We will update as more details are known.

UPDATE: This is pretty much just WOW and adds to the view that the Court itself has a bias. ICC Urges Prosecutor to Stop Appeal on Reopening Flotilla Case

The International Criminal Court called on Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda on Monday to go back on her decision to appeal the reexamination of the IDF’s conduct during the raid a Gaza-bound flotilla in 2010.

Also, via Nick Kaufman, here are Appeal papers filed (added — official copy here):

Bensouda – Mavi Marmara – ICC Appeal

Tags: International Criminal Court, Israel, Turkey