Hillary on Keystone Pipeline – I’ll tell you my position when I’m President

As Ed Morrissey comments at Hot Air, “Profiles in Courage this ain’t.”

At a campaign event in New Hampshire yesterday, an attendee asked Hillary if she would approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. Her answer, if you can call it one, was that she would answer the question if and when she becomes president.

Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post wasn’t impressed:

Hillary Clinton’s ridiculous hedge on Keystone XL“If it’s undecided when I become president, I will answer your question,” Clinton said. “This is President Obama’s decision. I’m not going to second-guess him.”Er, what?Clinton went on to note that she was in a position unique among the 2016 field due to her time as secretary of state. “I’m in a different position than any other candidate,” Clinton said. “I was there. I put this process together. I oversaw it for four years.” (Because the pipeline would begin in Canada, its approval — or not — is in the hands of the State Department.)Uh huh.

Watch the video:

Bernie Sanders, seeing an easy opportunity to hit Clinton on climate change, pounced on this and released a statement. Here it is, via Politics USA:

We have to address the planetary crisis of climate change and there is no question that we must move aggressively toward energy efficiency and the development of sustainable energy sources such as wind, solar, geothermal and biomass. That is why I have introduced legislation that would create 10 million solar rooftops on homes and businesses in the United States. So I agree with Secretary Clinton about the need for substantial investment in sustainable energy.But that is not enough. We must make significant reductions in carbon emissions and break our dependency on fossil fuels. That is why I have helped lead the fight in the Senate against the Keystone pipeline which would transport some of the dirtiest fossil fuel in the world.It is hard for me to understand how one can be concerned about climate change but not vigorously oppose the Keystone pipeline.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Hillary Clinton, Keystone XL Pipeline