Carly Fiorina is proud to be pro-life. She’s also not willing to let Hillary Clinton’s extreme stance on abortion go unnoticed.
Flanked by pro-life leaders Tuesday, Carly Fiorina’s campaign released a short video in response to the second and arguably worst, undercover Planned Parenthood video.
The second investigative video showed yet another ranking Planned Parenthood official nonchalantly discussing the sale of aborted baby parts.
“These pro-life leaders are standing with me today to decry the moral depravity that we have seen now from Planned Parenthood. It doesn’t matter whether you think you’re pro-choice or pro-life, every woman, every man has to look at these videos and think, what has gone wrong in our nation?” said Fiorina.
“The hypocrisy of telling women over and over again that their unborn children are not life and yet talking calmly about how to preserve the organs of that life to save another life. The cruelty of denying women over and over again ultrasounds, so that they can see the life they carry within them and yet using that same technology to ensure the organs are preserved so that they can be presumable sold to save others.”
“This is a terrible moment and it is made even more terrible by the deafening silence of the Democratic party. Democrats have always fought for a policy that says, “it is not a life until it leaves the hospital.” Hillary Clinton has fought to preserve that policy, and we now have a moment in this nation to take some real action here. We can decide finally, to defund Planned Parenthood, and the Senate can decide to pass the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.”
Apparently, Fiorina was warming up for her appearance on Jake Tapper’s The Lead. Because on live cable news she kicked into Beast Mode Overdrive:
Tapper asked Fiorina to define her position on Governor Walker’s recent bill that prohibits abortions after twenty weeks and makes no exclusions for instances of rape and incest. Fiorina directed attention to the aforementioned bill currently on the Senate floor, “let’s talk about the legislation that’s sitting on the Senate floor right now which does allow for those exceptions.”
Tapper interrupted, attempting to pin Fiorina to Walker’s bill. Fiorina would have no part of it and kept talking.
“Let’s also talk about Hillary Clinton’s position. Let’s talk about what extreme is. It’s not a life until it leaves the hospital, that’s Hillary Clinton’s position. It’s Hillary Clinton’s position that a 13-year-old girl needs her mother’s permission to go to a tanning salon or get a tattoo, but not to get an abortion. It’s Hillary Clinton’s position that women should not be permitted to look at an ultrasound before an abortion, and yet people who are trying to harvest body parts can use an ultrasound to make sure that those body parts are preserved so they can be sold. That Jake, is extreme.”
“I would really be delighted if for once, the media would ask Hillary Clinton about the extremism of her position.”
More of this, please.
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