Marco Rubio Brilliantly Responds To Hillary ‘Yesterday’ Remarks

It seems every time you turn around, the Hillary Clinton campaign team is attempting to copy Marco Rubio. She scheduled her official campaign announcement the day after him.

On Saturday during a campaign event (some of her supporters have laughably attempted to claim this was the “official official” announcement), she brought up a theme of ‘yesterday’, using the song of the same name by the Beatles to proclaim her GOP opponents were all about the past.

Ironically, it was a similar theme that Marco Rubio used during his campaign launch. During his announcement he said:

“Just yesterday, a leader from yesterday began a campaign for president by promising to take us back to yesterday.”

Because of that, Rubio’s team was ready to respond to Hillary and did so with this ad:

Aside from leaving Rubio that opening, it would seem odd that Hillary Clinton, who at the age of 67, and is wants to secure the votes of younger Americans, would choose a song recorded 50 years ago to attempt to make a point about her Republican counterparts.

If anything, this shows Rubio’s team is ready to respond quickly when they need to. It also reveals that perhaps Hillary’s team should at the very least, try to be more original.

Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Hillary Clinton, Marco Rubio