Soldier: What if I Used Email Like Hillary Clinton?

As Professor Jacobson pointed out yesterday, Hillary’s email problems keep getting worse.

But what would happen to Hillary if she wasn’t a powerful and connected politician? What if she was an average citizen or more importantly, a member of our armed forces?

An American soldier named Chad Longell recently made that point at IJ Review:

I Am A Soldier. Here’s What Would Happen If I Used Email Like Hillary ClintonFormer Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s personal emails are in the news again, and members of the U.S. military and intelligence community sense that there’s a dangerous double standard developing regarding the handling of classified information.I know this because I currently serve.The New York Times revealed Monday that Clinton regularly discussed and circulated emails from close family associate Sidney Blumenthal as a source for Libyan intelligence prior to the Benghazi attacks on September 11, 2012.This is problematic since Blumenthal doesn’t work within the administration, defense or intelligence community — and doesn’t have a secret clearance…The decision to discuss highly sensitive national security information outside of secure channels without proper oversight and control is not only criminal by military standards, it can also be compromised by counter intelligence agents of foreign enemy governments…Such a compromise could have devastating and potentially deadly consequences to national security and the safety of the members of the intelligence community. If I had discussed classified missions, on a compromised server, with someone who did not hold a security clearance, the consequences would be harsh and career ending, far different from the protected status Clinton has enjoyed thus far.

Longell’s close is powerful, but I disagree with him on one point…

It is disheartening that those in positions of power who abuse these rules are held to a different standard than the common soldier.

There’s nothing common about the people who put their lives on the line defending America’s freedoms, and that includes Mr. Longell. Thank you for your service, Sir.

Featured image is a screen capture from IJ Review.

Tags: Hillary Clinton, Military, Sidney Blumenthal