Liz Cheney Flips Media’s Script on Iraq War

Liz Cheney Twitter photo

There has been a lot of hand-wringing over Jeb Bush’s seeming lack of readiness for a presidential campaign in the wake of his apparent inability to articulate a coherent response to Megyn Kelly’s Iraq War hypothetical question.

After days of hedging and backpedaling, Jeb finally landed on the “right” answer: “no, knowing what we know now, I would not have invaded Iraq.”  It shouldn’t have taken that long or that many tries because, as Charles Krauthammer notes in Friday’s Special Report panel, the question answers itself:

While Megyn Kelly did not ask a difficult or tricky question, it’s a question that pops up pretty consistently for GOP candidates from interviewers on both the left and the right, and it is usually the liberal media who manages to flummox GOP candidates.

Rand Paul provided a great template for turning this type of question back on Democrats when he flipped the script on abortion.

And now, Liz Cheney provides the perfect way to make this question about the Iraq War relevant:

This is exactly the kind of response we need from quick-witted and able Republican candidates.

Hopefully, Jeb will learn from this experience and be prepared to flip the script on the Iraq War question when it is asked again.  And it will be.

Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Charles Krauthammer, Iraq, Jeb Bush