Clinton War Room Targets “Cash” Author

You can tell ‘Clinton Cash’ author Peter Schweizer has touched a nerve by the amount of push back he’s getting from the media. U.S. News & World Report wonders if the book is just a hatchet job, while Newsweek has written an “Everything you need to know” piece on the book.

Schweizer appeared on the FOX News program Media Buzz this morning, and Howard Kurtz grilled him about assertions made in the book. Towards the end of the interview, Kurtz makes an issue out of Schweizer’s political affiliations as evidence of his inability to be objective.

That never seems to be an issue on the other side, even though the Obama administration has been a virtual revolving door for members of the media.

Watch the entire exchange below:

Hillary Clinton’s inner circle has been working hard to discredit Schweizer.

Ben Kamisar of The Hill:

Hillary campaign pans ‘Clinton Cash’ author for comments at Koch eventThe Hillary Clinton campaign is hitting back against Peter Schweizer, the author of a controversial book that questions Clinton’s impartiality while at the State Department, attacking him for referring to himself as part of the conservative cause.The Clinton camp has honed in on Schweizer’s comments at a 2014 summit sponsored by the conservative multimillionaire donors Charles and David Koch, where he gave attendees a call to action.“Politicians today are not going to let up, the left and the academic sphere is not going to let up,” he said, according to the Lady Libertine blog, which has released a number of audio tracks of prominent conservatives speaking at the retreat.“The question is: Are we going to let up? And I would contend to you that we cannot let up.”Brian Fallon, the Clinton campaign’s national press secretary, bashed the comments as indicative of political motivations.”This is the clearest evidence yet that this widely discredited book is part of a coordinated Republican attack strategy,” he told The Hill exclusively.“The author’s remarks at a Koch fundraiser pull the curtain back on his true purpose in going after Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.”

Peter Schweizer is not the story here, but the media will try to make him the story.

As long as they’re talking about him, they don’t have to talk about the Clintons.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Hillary Clinton, Media Bias