Amb. Power’s Bizarre Analogy: Columbia Mattress Girl and Afghan women

We have covered the case of Emma Sulkowicz, the Columbia University student who vowed to carry her mattress around campus in protest of her alleged rapist who remained on campus. That alleged rapist was cleared by the University, and now is suing to clear his name.

I don’t know if Sulkowicz was lying or telling the truth. But the sharp dispute hardly makes the case comparable to what Afghan women have to go through. Beatings. Burkas. Lack of education. Executions.

Although the Taliban no longer control the entire country, the abuse has not ended:

So what possibly explains this tweet by U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power:

Is she really suggesting that Sulkowicz’s performance art (her term) on the Columbia campus is in any remote way the equivalent of the Afghan women’s cycling team overcoming threats in order to train?

Do women face obstacles on Ivy League campuses similar to women in Afghanistan?

Seriously, it would be too polite to call this a low information version of political correctness.

Tags: Afghanistan, Feminism, Political Correctness, Taliban