A Mother’s Day call from Hillary?

Hillary clinton mother's Day phone call your mom hillary clinton call your mom

Forget about brunch, flowers, and sweetly worded, glitter-laden greeting cards this Mother’s Day. One unfortunate soul lucky mother will get a very special surprise this Mother’s Day — a phone call from Hillary Clinton on your behalf!

Though it’s not clear whether that call will come from a Blackberry or an iPhone, or how many devices she has to choose from…

Taking a break from her grueling yoga-filled schedule, Hillary will set aside a few minutes to chat it up with your Mom.

Just what every “mom you love” wants… a chat with this old chick from what appears to be a completely empty fake office!

Apparently, she really wants to talk to your mom.

Flowers? Pssh. Candy? LAME. Get your mom a Hillary!

All you have to do is enter your information to be eligible for this unforgettable gift:

Want to increase your chances of winning though, and it’s gonna cost ya:

A grand total of five winners will get a phone call from the embattled, scandal-shrouded, Presidential hopeful and a bumper sticker. That’s right, a bumper sticker. Which might produce another awkward conversation thanks to Hillary’s digital team:

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Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Hillary Clinton