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WATCH: Rand Paul Presidential Announcement (#StandWithRand)

WATCH: Rand Paul Presidential Announcement (#StandWithRand)

A “Different” kind of candidate is his theme.

Rand Paul is rolling out his presidential campaign today, starting with a noon (Eastern) event.

If you missed the speech, you can watch it here. Twitter feed at the bottom of the post:

Kelly Paul Rand Paul Wife


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DINORightMarie | April 7, 2015 at 12:04 pm

Bad color scheme. Bad optics. And photos of him in black-and-white?! He looks to severe, like an old-time dictator. (I won’t go there, specifically……but we all know the fascists’ and communists’ thing with black and red and white).

That gives the MSM up-front a way to attack.

Bad, bad, bad marketing. Campaign advisers, for shame!

Can you have an emphatic “meh”?

If so, put me down for one.

There are a lot of people who will not forgive him for endorsing Mitch the Witch McConnell over the tea party guy.

This ‘campaign’ is a beauty contest in front of a mirror.

Henry Hawkins | April 7, 2015 at 1:10 pm

Paul is confounding. Looks good on paper, but… sort of thing. I struggle to put my finger on the exact problem(s), but…. yeah, meh.

I need to see more willingness to act military overseas, less isolationist talk.

I struggle with his endorsement of McConnell over a conservative, though I understand the political pickle that was for Paul. The best move would have been to endorse neither.

It shouldn’t count, but it does for me – the less I see and hear of Ron Paul, the better, and were Rand Paul to win the WH, father Ron becomes this generation’s Billy Carter.

The more public bashing of Obama and the democRats – and everything they squat for – the better. Rand Paul’s piling on is a welcome contribution.

The Paulnuts are all up to their old tricks yet once again already. Spamming political polls, disrupting other conservative candidates campaign announcements and their town halls… the same old; same old. They remind me of years-long hibernating cicadas that suddenly spring forth all at the same time, on cue, about every four years to do nothing else but spread out across the land like a biblical plague and accomplish nothing else but making non-stop mind numbing irritating noise and distraction — ultimately achieving nothing else but littering the landscape with tons of their detritus and planting their young in the dirt near the end of election season to wait out another four years until it’s time to emerge once again, on cue, and do all the same crap they’ve always done all over again for the umpteenth time with the exact same results. Wash. Rinse. Repeat ad nauseam.

Creating confusion, causing division, stealing votes from actual potentially viable conservative candidates, and just making noise with concertedly planned out spectacles designed to do nothing else but troll the electorate — when it comes to chip-off-the-old-block Rand Paul and his exclusive gaggle of traditionally boorish rumpswab Paulnuts, we’re all going to have to take a ride on Daddy’s coattails with Rand until November 2016 to some degree every now and then. Non-stop irritating noise, nothing but tons of crap left behind, and nothing accomplished, whatsoever, but mucking everything up for viable conservative candidates — and breeding another generation of Paulnuts to propagate their utterly useless species. Yet again, election number whatever it is now, it is going to be one heckuva long year and a half for all erudite conservatives with those Paulnut idjits and their puerile slapdick antics.

And, the rub is, coattails surfing Rand Paul is no more nationally electable than his Daddy, Ron Paul, ever was, and he never will be. Daddy knows it. Rand definitely knows it. The Paulnuts know this too. They all know it to be true. Yet, they do it all over and over again anyway.

Saul Alinsky, wherever he is observing from, must certainly be highly amused.

    pesanteur in reply to FlatFoot. | April 7, 2015 at 1:30 pm

    This is what’s troubling — the potential for vicious subversion of the ultimate candidate if it’s a committed conservative.

    Sanddog in reply to FlatFoot. | April 7, 2015 at 1:39 pm

    Disregard him if you like but I’m all for pushing the right more towards individual rights instead of trying to make Big Government better.

    Conservative big government is STILL big government.

“Defeat the Washington Machine!”… “I endorse Mitch McConnell.”

Moral dissonance.

Cruz has in IN FACT stood up the Washington machine.

I don’t know if I’d vote for him or not. I prefer Cruz or Walker. But I’m not going to bad-mouth Rand. We’ve got to stop eating our own.

    JoAnne in reply to Kitty. | April 7, 2015 at 1:59 pm

    I agree, will not bash him – but those crazy followers have to go!

    I’m interested in Rubio, too. Not entirely convinced but want to see what he has to say. He is very quick on his feet and is likable. I’d like to see some interaction between Cruz, Walker, and Rubio. So far, no one else has really grabbed my attention. I love Ben Carson but he needs some experience with the media and the political machine or he’ll get eaten alive.

Henry Hawkins | April 7, 2015 at 3:09 pm

If I may be so bold, and begging our host’s and this community’s indulgence……

I’ve been considering a run for the presidency and would like to know if there is any support for me among the LI readership.


Sorry for yelling, but no one mentions that KY law doesn’t permit running for two different offices at once. Rubio has the same problem in Florida, but Cruz is clear because Texas allows it (Lloyd Bentsen, for example).

– –

There was talk the state party might move to caucuses to avoid the problem, but I’ve heard they won’t decide until August at the earliest. If they don’t decide to risk the expense (which Rand offered to help cover), what will he do?