This Trigger Warning needs its own Trigger Warning
Fragile minds need not apply.

We’ve written quite a bit about Trigger Warnings since before it became fashionable:
The fragile college student mind is getting more fragile by the day.
As if the normal run of political correctness were not enough, we now have “Trigger Warnings” — the notion that students need to be warned that the material they are about to read in class may “trigger” emotional upset….
Of course, how the trigger is defined says much about the theory behind the movement — it almost always serves left-wing critical race and gender theories ….
The Trigger Warning movement is all about enforcing a conformity of thought by forcing faculty and others to identify and warn about politically incorrect ideas.
The Trigger Warning in the Featured Image was displayed at Oberlin when Christina Hoff Sommers spoke:
UT-Arlington Philosophy Prof. Keith Burgess-Jackson has come up with a Trigger Warning for his Philosophy of Religion class.
I’ve decided to include a trigger warning in each course syllabus, beginning this fall. Here is the trigger warning for my upcoming Philosophy of Religion course. What do you think?
What do I think?
I think the precious, fragile souls demanding Trigger Warnings will demand that you put a Trigger Warning on this Trigger Warning.
Here we go:
Philosophy of religion is not for the faint-hearted, the close-minded, the thinskinned, the timid, the hypersensitive, the squeamish, the unintellectual (or antiintellectual), the developmentally arrested, the childish, or the easily offended. If you are traumatized (or even dismayed) by the idea of a punitive (retributive) god, or by the use of masculine pronouns (such as “He,” “Him,” or “His”) to refer to God, or by the mere possibility that God is male (rather than female, androgynous, or asexual), then this course is not for you. If you believe in God but are unwilling to entertain the possibility that your belief is false, then this course is not for you, since we will be examining (and taking seriously) arguments against the existence of God. If you disbelieve in God but are unwilling to entertain the possibility that your belief is false, then this course is not for you, since we will be examining (and taking seriously) arguments for the existence of God. If you are an adherent of a particular religion and believe it to be blasphemous, sinful, heretical, or immoral to think about, discuss, or take seriously other religions, then this course is not for you. If you believe that argumentation in particular or philosophy in general is coercive, masculine, belligerent, or militaristic, then this course is not for you. If you believe that morality is oppressive, sexist, or nothing more than a prop for capitalism or some other economic system, or that the making of moral judgments is “judgmental” (in the sense of being overly or gratuitously critical), then this course is not for you, for we will be examining (and taking seriously) an argument (the so-called Moral Argument) to the effect that the existence of morality (or the fact that we make moral judgments, or the fact that moral judgments or values are objective) supports, implies, or presupposesthe existence of God. If you are distressed or discomfited by the concept of evil, or by the possibility that there is evil in the world, or by the possibility that some people (or their actions) are evil, then this is not the course for you, because we will be asking whether (and, if so, how) the existence of evil (natural or moral) renders the existence of God either impossible or improbable. In short, this course, like any other philosophy course, is for thick-skinned, mature, open-minded, intellectually curious people.
What do you think?

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That made my day. Bravo, Professor Burgess-Jackson!
Abridged version:
If you are afraid to look into a mirror, then this course is not for you, Snowflake.
The One, our Messiah, has ruled that this trigger warning inadequate and insufficient. Plus: it was written by Emmanuel Goldstein!
Note to our fragile college students. ISIS does not provide trigger warnings when you are in the orange jumpsuit and the cameras are rolling. Careful on that trigger, you might lose your head.
What do you think?
You mean, like, on my own? Without being told?
Like…how do I do that?
I’m so damn sick of these little hot-house flowers who can’t stand the idea of ever being exposed to a thought that doesn’t jibe with the namby-pamby load of leftist bullshit that they’ve bought into hook, line, and sinker.
They need to grow the hell up already.
“then this course is not for you”….is as good a riff as “in the box” is in Cool Hand Luke…….
We need to trigger warning the words trigger warning. Trigger might remind someone of guns and they might be too emotionally fragile to handle he knowledge that guns exist …
“Trigger” reminds me of a palomino.
Get stuffed!
Actually nobody disputes this, although sometimes they seem to think there was only one thing evil in this world.'s_Law
I think I’d like to be able to take his class.
If a tenet of your religion is to create a tyranny by enforcement of trigger warnings to smother speech then you must be willing to consider this as one definition of evil, otherwise this course is not for you.
Time to start a betting pool on when the spontaneous explosions of snowflake heads begins.
Apparently it’s time to include similar trigger warnings on applications for admission to institutes of higher learning.
Perhaps the following link explains some of this insanity:
This guy is my hero!
I feel Picoagressed by this, a state much like Microagression, only in homeopathic terms over ten gazillion bazillion times more powerful. If anybody needs me, I’ll be over in that corner, breathing into a paper bag (and laughing my head off).
/sarc (for the humor impaired)
I wish they had had a trigger warning for Category Theory .
“Abandon all hope of sanity, he who enter here.”
I’m sure most law students feel the same way about tax law.
In other words, this is exactly like every other philosophy class I’ve ever taken, and more than a few writing classes (one of which required us to write a compelling argument antithetical to our own beliefs).
Somehow, we survived and maintained sound minds, even without all the “Trigger Warnings”.
Even the adults are laughing at progressive confusion. It’s no wonder that “Puff the Hallucinating Dragon” is enjoying a revival.
Generations of college kids incapable of empathy, unable to walk in another’s shoes.
Trigger warning:
This Radom p-64 requires a 22.5 lb trigger pull in DA mode and 3.5 lb pull in SA.
Professor Burgess-Jackson really only needed a slight modification to the final sentence:
“In short, this course, like any other philosophy course, is ONLY for thick-skinned, mature, open-minded, intellectually curious people.”
Cheers, Prof. Burgess-Jackson! I’m sorry you’ll be fired before the semester is over.
Not in a position to hire anyone for anything, but job applications for companies run by non-Leftists should have the following trigger warning, expressed, implied, or held firmly in the front of the mind of the person sorting the pile of applications in this job-deficient “recovery”:
Trigger Warning: If your application contains any hint that you graduated from any Ivy League college with other than a STEM degree, or graduated from any college with a degree whose title includes the words “Studies”, “Ethnic”, “Gender”, or any color referring to skin tone; or if a search of your online fingerprint and social media history indicates that you have been involved in activities that would indicate that you are likely to be far more trouble than you would be worth for the company, your application will go in the dumpster. You are free to express your beliefs as you will. In return, as an employer I am free to choose to hire or not hire based on any factors other than your PERSONAL race, sex, gender-preference, color, religious creed, or national origin. Your chosen activities do not fit any of those categories. Have a nice day.
You forgot “or has misspelled words like Wymen” on the degree requirements.
Now thats a class that I wouldn’t mind taking at all!! Bravo Professor!!
Absolutely love this.
The above is an excellent comprehensive trigger warning that should deter the simple minded. It will send them running back to their safe place where they can clutch their blankie and suck their thumb.
Perhaps this warning should come with a couple of signs to post on his door: “No Emo” here like the “No Firearms Allowed” signs posted on Starbucks and other wimpy merchandiser’s windows and “Danger: Critical Thinking Ahead! Proceed With Caution!”
Perhaps he should also add an appendix trigger warning: whatever you do DO NOT read Fyodor Dostoevsky’s thought provoking presentation of the problem of evil in his “The Brothers Karamazov”. There, one would come across questions about God, good, evil, suffering, doubt and faith.
That’s heavy lifting for such small strained-meal minds.
The above is an excellent comprehensive trigger warning that should deter the simple minded. It will send them running back to their safe place where they can clutch their blankie and suck their thumb.
Perhaps this warning should come with a couple of signs to post on his door: “No Emo” here like the “No Firearms Allowed” signs posted on Starbucks and other wimpy merchandiser’s windows and “Danger: Critical Thinking Ahead! Proceed With Caution!”
Perhaps he should also add an appendix trigger warning: whatever you do DO NOT read Fyodor Dostoevsky’s thought provoking presentation of the problem of evil in his “The Brothers Karamazov”. There, one would come across questions about God, good, evil, suffering, doubt and faith.
That’s heavy lifting for such small strained-meal minds.
The above is an excellent comprehensive trigger warning that should deter the simple minded. It will send them running back to their safe place where they can clutch their blankie and suck their thumb.
Perhaps this warning should come with a couple of signs to post on his door: “No Emo” here like the “No Firearms Allowed” signs posted on Starbucks and other wimpy merchandiser’s windows and “Danger: Critical Thinking Ahead! Proceed With Caution!”
Perhaps he should also add an appendix trigger warning: whatever you do DO NOT read Fyodor Dostoevsky’s thought provoking presentation of the problem of evil in his “The Brothers Karamazov”. There, one would come across questions about God, good, evil, suffering, doubt and faith.
That’s heavy lifting for such small strained-meal minds.
Reads like a course in which I would like to enroll.
How about I just grab you by the shoulder and bitch slap some sense into you? Would that suffice as a “trigger warning”?
This guy is just begging to be hauled off to the gulag.
The above is an excellent comprehensive trigger warning that should deter the simple minded. It will send them running back to their safe place where they can clutch their blankie and suck their thumb.
Perhaps this warning should come with a couple of signs to post on his door: “No Emo” here like the “No Firearms Allowed” signs posted on Starbucks and other wimpy merchandiser’s windows and “Danger: Critical Thinking Ahead! Proceed With Caution!”
Perhaps he should also add an appendix trigger warning: whatever you do do NOT read Fyodor Dostoevsky’s (a Russian novelist (1821-1881)) thought provoking presentation of the problem of evil in his “The Brothers Karamazov”. There, one would find man’s most pressing concerns in story form, concerns about God, good, evil, suffering, doubt and faith.
That’s heavy lifting for such small strained meal minds.
I bet this Professor is one of the ones that people talk about years after graduating as one that really meant something to them.
Of course he could have just said; “If you are a libtard who can’t think for themselves then go elsewhere.”
I wonder how long it will take the University to reprimand him?
In the universities we are now seeing our future as a country. The students being “taught” at this moment are our future “leaders.”
May God have mercy on us.
The above is an excellent comprehensive trigger warning that should deter the simple minded. It will send them running back to their safe place where they can clutch their blankie and suck their thumb.
Perhaps this warning should come with a couple of signs to post on his door: “No Emo” here like the “No Firearms Allowed” signs posted on Starbucks and other wimpy merchandiser’s windows and “Danger: Critical Thinking Ahead! Proceed With Caution!”
Perhaps he should also add an appendix trigger warning: whatever you do do NOT read Fyodor Dostoevsky’s (a Russian novelist (1821-1881)) thought provoking presentation of the problem of evil in his “The Brothers Karamazov”. There, one would find man’s most pressing concerns in story form, concerns about God, good, evil, suffering, doubt and faith.
That’s heavy lifting for such small strained-meal minds.