Scott Walker: Hillary is Out of Touch

Megyn Kelly interviewed governor Scott Walker on her show last night and covered a wide variety of topics.

The first subject was Hillary Clinton, who Walker suggested is out of touch with the American people. Other topics included Walker’s strategy for winning independent voters in Wisconsin, the GOP’s prospects for 2016 and immigration.

Here’s the video:

Scott Walker’s name was in the news yesterday for another reason.

The New York Times reports:

David Koch Signals Support for Scott WalkerCharles G. and David H. Koch, the influential and big-spending conservative donors, appear to have a favorite in the race for the Republican presidential nomination: Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin.On Monday, at a fund-raising event in Manhattan for the New York State Republican Party, David Koch told donors that he and his brother, who oversee one of the biggest private political organizations in the country, believed that Mr. Walker would be the Republican nominee.“When the primaries are over and Scott Walker gets the nomination,” Mr. Koch told the crowd, the billionaire brothers would support him, according to a spokesman. The remark drew laughter and applause from the audience of fellow donors and Republican activists, who had come to hear Mr. Walker speak earlier at the event, held at the Union League Club.

Too bad Harry Reid is retiring, he could have spent the next two years shrieking about the Koch brothers.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Hillary Clinton, Scott Walker