Jeb Bush: I Support Gun Rights

Jeb Bush has a problem.  He wants to be president, and he is apparently planning to run as a Republican; however, he’s not particularly conservative in key areas that are important to the conservative base, including immigration and education.

On the world stage, Bush sees America as “a leader among equals,” whatever that means, and he’s touchy and condescending when discussing his “grown-up immigration plan” that embraces the millions of people who’ve entered this country illegally in, what he calls, “an act of love.”  If only the babies in the room would just feel the love.  In addition to his strong stance on illegal immigration, he’s a strong and vocal proponent of Common Core, and he dismisses anyone who disagrees with him as “crazy, ignorant, and lying.”

While he’s not yet announced his candidacy, it seems clear that he intends to run in 2016, and he needs something that he can point to as a conservative stance if he has any hope of winning the GOP primary.  He’s landed on the Second Amendment as that olive branch:

The former Florida governor is confronting a conservative backlash for his positions on education and immigration. This week, he’ll turn to an issue on which he garners much higher marks from the right: guns.Key to his appeal is the 2005 decision to sign a bill, among the most sweeping of its kind, that expanded protections for Floridians who use deadly force against home intruders or people who attack them in their cars, workplace or even on the street. The law has since become a touchstone in a broader debate about the use of deadly force, following the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager.

Listen to Jeb Bush at yesterday’s NRA Annual Meeting:

Will conservative voters think this is enough?  Time will tell, but it would help him a great deal if conservatives, Republicans, and Libertarians were single-issue voters.

Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Jeb Bush