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Intellectual Implosion Week at College Insurrection

Intellectual Implosion Week at College Insurrection

Your weekly report from the world of higher education.

The fallout from Rolling Stone’s false story of rape at the University of Virginia continues.

This should surprise no one.

Finances seem to be an issue lately.

Graduation season is coming.

Campus journalism.

Yes, we do.

Politics, politics, politics.

International news.

Ivy league update.

Anti-Semitism alert.

All leftism, all the time.

And finally, some good news.

Thanks for reading College Insurrection!

Featured image via Wikimedia Commons.


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Back in the day I was an engineering student on an athletic scholarship. It was freaking hard to maintain a full load and train/compete. You have to carry a full load to compete. So what I would do is convince engineering professors to let me sit in and take classes I wasn’t registered for in the off season, and then register for them during the season and have them give the grade I earned in the prior quarter. I was technically screwing the university out of some money by doing this, but my primary motivation was to maintain my athletic scholarship.

Most of the engineering department was fine with this. Why? These guys had brought the university ass loads of money in grants, but the university was spreading it around to all their other pet projects and leaving the guys actually doing the work with shoes string budgets. They were only too happy to stick it back to them.

This makes me think that if we give the true researchers an actual “other place” to be and do what they do, we’d cut the legs out from under a lot of this liberal clap trap that goes on in the university system.