Clinton Defender David Brock Loses Morning Joe

David Brock pic

David Brock of Media Matters appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe program yesterday and attempted to defend Hillary Clinton from claims made in the new book Clinton Cash.

Even the reliably liberal Mika Brzezinski wasn’t buying Brock’s hollow defense.

Alyssa Canobbio of the Washington Free Beacon:

Mika Brzezinski Corrects the Record on David Brock’s Laughable Defense of Hillary ClintonBrock defended Clinton’s comments that when a person runs for president that they come under scrutiny and Brock asked people to look at Clinton’s record.Host Mika Brzezinski said no one could look at Clinton’s record because Clinton scrubbed the personal server she used during her time as secretary of state. Brock continued, arguing that the 55,000 pages of email that Clinton has turned over was enough to show her record.Brock said that the actions Clinton took after leaving the State Department all fell under regulations.“No, actually, David, you don’t have to give me a lesson on the regulations of the State Department,” Brzezinski said. “She scrubbed emails because she felt like it and that went against regulations.”

Watch the video:

When Hillary has lost MSNBC…

David Brock has been trying his best to discredit the new book and its author.

Nick Gass of Politico:

David Brock goes on the warpath against anti-Clinton bookDavid Brock on Tuesday slammed media coverage of a forthcoming book detailing foreign donations made to the Clinton Foundation, calling into question how major news outlets are covering the May 5 release of “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich.”“I think this is a political put-up job, and I can smell it from a mile away,” Brock said during an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.””Yesterday it came out that The New York Times and Fox News were both chasing promotional deals with the author. The Times hyped the story yesterday, praised it, they withheld publicly available information about the author,” Brock said. “They noted that he runs something called the Government Accountability Initiative, but they don’t say that that’s funded by a prime funder of Ted Cruz’s super PAC, by Donor Trust, which is a Koch brothers passthrough, so it’s subsidized by Hillary Clinton’s enemies.”

Yes, we all know how many enemies Hillary Clinton has at the New York Times. (rolls eyes)

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Tags: David Brock, Hillary Clinton, MSNBC