Trey Gowdy: Huge gaps in emails Hillary turned over

Trey Gowdy appeared on Face the Nation today and explained that the emails Hillary has turned over paint an incomplete picture.

Katherine Connell of National Review:

Gowdy: ‘There Are Huge Gaps’ in E-mails Clinton’s Turned Over to Benghazi CommitteeRepresentative Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.), chairman of the House committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attack, said that there are “gaps of months and months and months” in the e-mails that former secretary of state Hillary Clinton has handed over to the committee so far.Gowdy, who has issued a subpoena to the State Department seeking Clinton’s remaining e-mails, told Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation Sunday that “there are huge gaps” in the e-mails she has made available.“If you think to that iconic picture of her on a C-17 flying to Libya, sunglasses on — she has her hand-held device in her hand — we have no e-mails from that day,” he said. “In fact we have no e-mails from that trip.”

Watch the exchange:

Brit Hume weighed in on Twitter:

Long time Clinton associate Lanny Davis appeared on FOX News Sunday with Chris Wallace to discuss the issue and sparks flew:

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Hillary Clinton, Trey Gowdy