Bill Whittle: The leader of the free world loves America

Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent address to congress was the inspiration for the latest edition of Firewall with Bill Whittle.

While some prominent Democrats skipped the speech, Netanyahu warned of the dangers faced by Israel and the west in the face of Islamist terrorists and a nuclear Iran.

Partial transcript and video via Truth Revolt:

He’s the Leader of the Free World, elected by a civilized nation: militarily powerful because of, and not in spite of, it’s cultural commitment to science and art and medicine.Although he spent much of his early life overseas, the Leader of the Free World grew up in the Northeast, and graduated from Harvard University. That he has a deep and abiding love for America is self-evident: he admires our energy, our inventiveness; our decency and kindness; our innate friendliness and charity. He loves our culture; he admires our private sector which generates so much innovation. And the Leader of the Free World admires and respects our vast military power, and the restraint which it is used – to him, it is indeed the Arsenal of Democracy.And even though he has grown up the victim of bigotry and hatred, the Leader of the Free World loves America, even though slurs are applied to him still today. In spite of all that, he loves everything she stands for.

Watch the whole thing.

Reactions to Netanyahu’s speech varied. Some on the left scoffed, but I think Peter Brookes of the Daily Signal says it best:

Netanyahu’s Speech Alerted Americans to Obama’s Risky Iran DealPutting both countries’ politics aside (talk about heavy-lifting!), Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress was essential—if for no other reason than it threw a spotlight on an issue hiding in diplomatic darkness.Few probably realized, especially outside Washington, D.C., that while Netanyahu was speaking to Congress, Secretary of State John Kerry was in Montreux, Switzerland, trying to cut a deal with Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif on Tehran’s nuclear program.Indeed, Team Obama and Team Ayatollah had hoped to reach an agreement on nukes before the end of the month possibly without the public, perhaps even congressional, scrutiny that such an historic deal should unquestionably get.Netanyahu changed that—and we should be thankful he did.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Benjamin Netanyahu, Bill Whittle