What Should Legal Insurrection Ask President Obama?

BuzzFeed News has announced that it’s been granted an interview with President Obama on Tuesday.

In their heart of hearts, Buzzfeed readers want to know what type of cat Obama was in a prior or will be in a future life. Or at least, which 80’s sitcom character Obama most easily identifies with or which animated cat GIF he finds most endearing.

But since Buzzfeed News has been transformed under Editor-in-Chief Ben Smith from pussy cat (Meow) to King of the Internet Jungle (hear them Roar), Smith is seeking reader input as to questions to ask:

What Should We Ask President Obama?BuzzFeed News will interview President Barack Obama Tuesday as the president works to sign Americans up for his signature health care policy, prepares for a final chance to push through other elements of his agenda, and balances an economic recovery with crises around the world.BuzzFeed News has had our share of big stories and big interviews, but this will be our first interview with a sitting president of the United States. (President Bush missed his chance back in the day.) It’s a nice tribute to the work my colleagues have done to take this place from an ambitious, zany experiment to one of the most ambitious new news and media organizations in the world.Separately, and also exciting, our inspired cousins at BuzzFeed Motion Pictures will be shooting a video with President Obama.The BuzzFeed News interview is also an opportunity for our readers, here and across the social web, to give us some ideas. Since its inception, BuzzFeed News has covered everything from the marriage wars to the shooting war in Eastern Ukraine, and our reporters have filed searing dispatches from Ferguson to Freetown. I’m hoping to ask the president about what’s next — and what you think is next.So tell us your toughest questions — in whatever form you think that question is best asked.

The reaction on Twitter was swift.

Here are a couple of choice tweets via Evan McMurry of Mediaite:

Here are a few more from Twitchy:

Now we turn to you, Team Insurrection.

If at some point in the next two years Legal Insurrection is transformed into one of the cool kids and we land an interview with The One, what should we ask?

[Please do not say, “Will you resign effective immediately,” that’s taken.]

[Original Buzzfeed image here]

Tags: Barack Obama, Buzzfeed