Rasmea Odeh denied new trial
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Rasmea Odeh denied new trial

Rasmea Odeh denied new trial

Judge rips Odeh counsel for submitting motions “so lacking in legal authority and argument”

By now, readers of Legal Insurrection know all about Rasmea Odeh, and her convictions for a 1969 supermarket bombing in Jerusalem for which she was convicted in 1970, and immigration fraud, for which she was conficted in Detroit in November 2014.

As Rasmea’s supporters hold fundraisers, letter writing campaigns, student events, and livestreams to celebrate Rasmea as a hero, the families of Rasmea’s victims mourn.

Rasmea will be sentenced in the Detroit case on March 12, 2015. She filed motions in court for a new trial and for judgment to be entered in her favor, citing alleged trial errors.

In an Order issued today (full embed at bottom of post),
, Hon. Gershwin A Drain denied the motions, lambasting Rasmea’s attorney’s for submitting perfunctory papers in support of the motions.

As an initial matter, Defendant’s Motion for a New Trial is so lacking in legal authority and argument, it should be denied on this basis alone. Defendant claims the Court committed nine legal errors, yet fails to cite a single case, statute, rule or other authority supporting her assertion. Defendant did not even include the legal standard for granting new trials. Nor does she develop her arguments in any meaningful way. Moreover, it is not clear why Defendant re-raises numerous arguments already thoroughly considered and rejected by this Court, particularly in light of the fact that she offers no new arguments explaining why this Court’s original conclusions were incorrect.

Rasmieh Odeh Case – Order Denying New Trial


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JackRussellTerrierist | February 13, 2015 at 4:18 pm

In other words, she keeps beating the same dead horse in a tantrum, probably the same kind of tantrum that carried her to her ugly deeds in the first place. No wonder the court didn’t want to hear oral arguments. Her filing was basically “thrown out of court”. Let her burn in Hell. And make it soon.

I toldja early on…

this Drain cat is not playing. He ain’t no Ito.

Maybe she should have used a muslim defense based on taquiyya. She certainly told enough lies.

Doug Wright Old Grouchy | February 13, 2015 at 5:45 pm

So, what’s the book on when Obama will pardon this low-life.

Was my opinion too harsh?

Sounds like she could move for new trial on the grounds of IAC…

Judge Drain is the one who let her out on bond pending sentencing, despite his apparently clear understanding that she is dishonest, homicidal, and unrepentant.

Perhaps this has led the defense team to count on the Judge delivering another miracle, and they’re just throwing up some chaff to help him out with his occasionally odd reasoning.

Thanks for keeping us updated about the odious Odeh and her band of crackpots. I wonder if the judge gave thought to slapping her lawyers with Rule 11.

    One truth about a legal case – it ain’t never really over until one side surrenders. From now to eternity is plenty of time to sanction this witch.

YES!! (fist pump)