Elizabeth Warren can defeat Hillary says SCIENCE!

I’m a believer, a true believer, that Elizabeth Warren would crush Hillary, if she wanted to.

Just Run, Elizabeth, Run!

Now a poll backs me up, Shock poll: Warren leads Clinton in Iowa, N.H.:

Populist groups cheering “Run Warren Run,” today released 2016 election polls from Iowa and New Hampshire showing Sen. Elizabeth Warren ahead of dominant Democrat Hillary Clinton.The YouGov poll of likely Democratic voters for MoveOn.org and Democracy for America also found that 79 percent want Warren and majorities support her anti-Wall Street positions.The poll of 400 conducted Jan. 30 to Feb. 5 put Warren ahead of Clinton in Iowa, 31 percent to 24 percent. In New Hampshire, her lead is 30 percent to 27 percent.


Why do some people hate SCIENCE?

This terrible poll shows Elizabeth Warren beating Hillary Clinton

How do you get results so far afield of any polling we’ve seen to date? You say a bunch of positive/liberal-friendly things about Warren before you ask the head-to-head question.

Wait, what? Don’t Believe the Latest Elizabeth Warren-Hillary Clinton Poll:

What’s going on here?Like many seemingly crazy poll results, it comes down to methodology. In this case, the Run Warren Run poll includes a string of ten leading questions that paint Warren in an exceedingly favorable light.

Let me get this straight. The media is complaining that someone softened up the poll electorate with biased information in order to skew the end voting result?

That’s rich. That’s what you do every freakin’ election cycle.

I believe in SCIENCE! And for today, the SCIENCE says RUN, ELIZABETH, RUN!

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton