Ted Cruz: Simplify tax code to abolish IRS as we know it

Ted Cruz's simple plan for tax reform  abolish the IRS

Why fix what you can abolish?

The scandal-laden IRS has found itself a new adversary in Senator Cruz.

Last week, Senator Cruz called for abolishing the IRS while joking that sending the agencies 110,000 employees to the Southern border was a better use of their time.

Fox News reports:

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) emphatically denounced the IRS this week in a Heritage Foundation speech, saying that that the agency doesn’t need to be reformed, it needs to be “abolished.”Now that Republicans control Congress, Cruz said the party must seize on the opportunity to simplify the tax code and make it fairer.“The last two years have fundamentally changed the dynamics of this debate [on the tax code],” he said. “As we have seen the weaponization of the IRS, as we have seen the Obama administration using the IRS in a partisan manner to punish its political enemies.”Cruz joked that the 110,000 employees of the IRS should be sent down to the southern border.Overall, he called on Republicans to push a bold agenda before the 2016 election.

Abolishing the IRS is probably over ambitious, although its abolishment would be a dream come true to those who will be dinged with the Obamacare penalty this year. Hopefully, the GOP will find some ways, even if only incrementally, to push for actual tax reform, not just the rhetorical “give a tax break to a minute group so we can say we reduced taxes” kinda deal.

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Tags: IRS, Ted Cruz