Survey says… “Incompetent”
“Incompetent.” “Socialist.” “Liar.”

A new poll from Pew reveals that the words most often used to describe President Obama are “Incompetent” and “Good Guy.”
Behold: Barack Obama, undisputed leader of the free world, commander in chief of the most lethal fighting force on the planet…lovable doofus? No wonder our international reputation is circling the drain.
However, some new words have emerged in the descriptions of Obama: Among the roughly half of respondents asked the question (N=746), dictator is mentioned by 12, while eight describe Obama as impressive. Neither word had been used in nine prior surveys asking for one-word descriptions of Obama since he became president.
And a perennial critique of Obama – socialist – is not as prominent on the list of descriptions as in the past; in the new survey, five respondents describe Obama as a socialist. In April 2009, when Obama was generally described in positive terms (and his job approval was much higher than it is today), socialist stood out among the negatives.
Still, many of the descriptions of Obama are the same as those used in the past. Some supporters continue to point to his intelligence (21 mentions; another nine call him smart), while opponents describe him as an idiot or stupid (12). Nearly equal numbers call him honest (12) and a liar (11).
There’s even a fun infographic that throws the miserable truth into full relief!
Strap in, everyone. We still have two more years of this.

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I’d use ‘malignant’ as the primary descriptor of this narcissist.
Obama is a proven liar based on his phony claims for Obamacare and his statements regarding the powers of the president in regard to the Constitutional powers granted the president.
Obama is not incompetent is many ways. He is committed, in his own words, to radically transforming the US and his efforts to date show that remains his goal. Obama’s presidency is resulting in great harm to our country, to its standings in the world, to our ability to maintain our economy, to maintain our liberties, and to continue our existence as a free and independent sovereign country.
Still, we can survive in spite of Obama except he’s making it more difficult, which is his intent.
Our Constitution forever, even if we have to reinstate it over Obama’s efforts; IMHO, his evil efforts.
“is many ways.” := “IN many ways.”
For some reason, when I see him & hear him speak….the word ’emetic’ comes to mind.
One look at the photo say it all. Duh?
Wonder how they kept that fly off his face.
Communist PARROT!
Progressive Fascist Liar Evil
Purple (lips).
I notice that the word, “poser,” is conspicuously absent.
If anyone cannot connect the dots presented in the the old movie, “Manchurian Candidate,’ then I don’t think that we can be saved… (from ourselves)