State of the Union Address 2015 (#SOTU)
The State of the Union will be livetweeted!
You can watch the address here:
After the State of the Union address comes to a close, tune in HERE for a live stream of the Republican Response, delivered by Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA):
snort RT @katherinemiller: What kind of poll is this?
— Amy Miller (@amyvrwc) January 21, 2015
.@SenWarren #SOTU thought bubble: "Yeah, I could do this" #WatchOutHillary
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) January 21, 2015
.@JoeBiden getting a little itchy #SOTU
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) January 21, 2015
Tweets from
Precision Medicine Initiative – drone delivery? #SOTU
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) January 21, 2015
.@RepPaulRyan #SOTU thought bubble: "Keep dreaming, Obama, keep dreaming."
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) January 21, 2015
Eric Holder #SOTU thought bubble: "Pardon me" / Chuck Hagel thought bubble: "zzzzzzz"
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) January 21, 2015
.@RosLehtinen #SOTU thought bubble: "We can sanction Iran. Yes. We. Can."
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) January 21, 2015
John Roberts #SOTU thought bubble: "Mention @Citizens_United and I'm outta here"
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) January 21, 2015
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One advantage to being back on the left coast; that blowhard won’t pre-empt anything I watch regularly.
“You lie!”
Version 7.0
My wife’s favorite expression is “You lie like a rug!”
I would amend that in our dear POTUS’ case to be “You lie like a prayer rug!”
Not watching or listening, again.
I would rather eat ground glass and crawl over hot coals than watch that lying commie islamist. We fast-forwarded through the brief outtakes of his speech shown on the FNC follow-up discussion.
I cannot stand the sight of his face nor the sound of his voice. He is the devil incarnate.
It is a Through the Looking Glass experience just to contemplate that Americans actually voted for him TWICE. The insanity of that is a horrific nightmare that I cannot wake up from.
Reminds me of fidel castro back in Cuba.
Every speech was a recount of how great ALL things were under his rule.
Only that everybody knew that it was just a mountain of bull excrement.
Obama: “Why doesn’t Congress just give me total power over everything?”
Watched it with my 17-year-old. He thought it was boring and repetitive. He went into it thinking that this is important because it is the President.
I think this speech was a waste of a President’s great opportunity.
Couldn’t stand to watch Zero give the SOTU address, so haven’t watched the Republican response. What exactly did Joni Ernst say to get the libtard cretins’ panties in a bunch?
Joni will have to deal with the inevitable Dem lampooning of phrases like “I used to plow the fields”. I hope she’s got a quick wit and comes acroos with pithy responses.
Had I watched it, I could say, “Well, that’s ____ minutes of my life I’ll never get back.”
Commissar Obama spoke for the ‘good’ of the proles, paraphrasing Thomas Piketty: “We must coerce those who have into submission and give the middle class the crumbs from the Commissar’s table – equally.
I’ve never watched any 0bama speech, and never will. I’d rather spend my time watching paint dry.
Someone please tell Boehner to go easy on the tan-in-a-can