Free Lunch Week at College Insurrection
Your weekly dispatch from the world of higher education

Obama’s plan for free community college is going over as well as his wife’s school lunch program.
- Obama’s Community College Plan is Expensive and Unlikely
- Who Was Behind Obama’s “Free” Community College Plan?
- Campus Reform Debates Obama’s Free Community College Plan on FOX News
A new policy at Duke was changed with lightning speed this week.
- Duke University to Begin Weekly Muslim Call to Prayer on Campus
- Duke Cancels Plans for Muslim Call to Prayer on Campus After Outcry
Did you know some college students don’t want free speech?
- New Free Speech Policy at University of Chicago Gets an A+ from FIRE
- U. Chicago Student Newspaper Less Supportive of Free Speech than Administration
- Some Students at University of Minnesota Demand ‘Trigger Warnings’
Speaking of free speech…
- Charlie Hebdo Could Never Have Existed on an American College Campus
- Stay Away Comedians, Colleges Don’t Appreciate Your Humor
The stars at night, are big and bright…
- Everything’s Bigger In Texas, Including College Tuition
- University of Houston Now Ranked No. 1 In The Country
- College Prof Retires and Admits Global Warming is a Lie
- Prof Admits Affirmative Action isn’t Necessary
In BDS related news…
- Almost 300 Stanford Professors Sign Letter Urging Divestment from Fossil Fuels
- Prager University – Are Israeli Settlements the Barrier to Peace?
College life can be a riot sometimes.
There was plenty of sports news this week.
- Joe Paterno’s Wins Restored?
- What Do The Buckeyes and President Obama Have In Common?
- College Football Could Be Earning Millions More
- President Obama Finds Time to Save College Sports
Fraternity updates.
- UVA Reinstates Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity After Police Investigation Finds Nothing
- Student Activists Want Criminal Charges Against Frat
Rape culture news.
- False Rape Report Filed at University of Missouri – St. Louis
- George Washington U. Handles Sexual-Assaults Poorly
- Student with Autism Kicked Out of College For Supposed Sexual Assault
Leftists rejoice.
Scandal central.
- 64 Students at Dartmouth Face Discipline for Cheating
- Officers Allege College Officials Stole $1.5 Million in Taxpayer Dollars
Wait, what?
Thanks for reading College Insurrection!
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Aleister, you do superb work w/CI! Thank you.
Thank you so much!
As we all⁽*⁾ know, TANSTASFL, or There Ain’t No Such Thing As a Free Lunch.
(*) With certain exceptions in Washington who think money happens when legislation is passed, and recently in the state of Kansas where a number of judges think that a half-billion dollars can just appear out of thin air for the school system because they said so.
The problems begin at home, continue with the community, and conclude with the schools (e.g. Atlanta). Instead of addressing the problems, Obama proposes to extend grade school by 2 years. It sounds like another Obamacare fiscal policy divorced from reality. Perhaps if he funds the abortion of a couple million more virginal lives… Sacrifice to your mortal god, Americans. His favors do not come cheap.