California DMV Overwhelmed by Licenses for Illegal Immigrants
Wait times are as long as three months for an appointment.

Do you enjoy long wait times at the Department of Motor Vehicles? If you live in California, you’re in luck.
So many illegal immigrants are now applying for driver’s licences that wait times are absurd.
CBS News in Los Angeles reported (h/t Weasel Zippers):
Some Motorists Wait Months For DMV Appointments After Immigrants Law Goes Into Effect
The Department of Motor Vehicles is so overwhelmed with requests for new driver’s licenses and vehicle registrations that it can take up to three months to get an appointment or a half-day wait in the lobby.
A DMV spokesman told KCAL9 Political Reporter Dave Bryan there has been a crush of applications for new licenses for undocumented immigrants, a program that began earlier this month. The spokesman said the DMV is working to address the problems, but some people are having to take a day off of work to handle a 15-minute transaction.
At the Hollywood DMV office, where they handle drivers license issues, the long lines outside and packed waiting areas inside are testimony to the long, grueling process that California drivers have to endure before getting service.
For example, Jose Quiroz’s DMV ordeal spanned two days of waiting patiently with his family to have his license renewed.
“Yesterday, I was here for four hours standing outside, and when I got to the front line they said that they were not taking us in no more,” Quiroz told Bryan. “And now I am back here again, because I am here to fix my license, and I have been here five or six hours.”
Here’s the video report:
We’re going to hear more about immigration in the coming weeks. A showdown between Obama and the senate is looming.
Pete Kasperowicz of The Blaze reports:
Here comes the big immigration fight in the Senate
The Senate next week will finally start what could become a protracted fight over a Department of Homeland Security spending bill that also defunds President Barack Obama’s executive action on immigration.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Friday set up a Tuesday procedural vote on the DHS spending bill. Sixty senators will be needed to advance the bill, which means at least six Democrats will be needed.
Obama has threatened to veto the bill because of the defunding language, and if Democrats stick with Obama, as expected, it will force Republicans to consider other ways to get around that opposition.
As of Friday, McConnell had yet to indicate how Republicans might respond if the bill can’t advance, and instead called on Democrats to support the bill. He said the bill poses a tough question for Democrats.
“Do they think presidents of either party should have the power to ignore laws that they don’t like?” he asked.
Featured image via KCAL video.

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I have no sympathy for Californians who keep voting corrupt Democrats back into office there. What do they expect when they keep electing idiots to run their government?
Explain to me why the illegals feel the need to wait for hours on end at the DMV to be become documented drivers…when they did not feel the need of applying for the documentation of their entry into our country?
A California Drivers License is valid Voter ID in California.
If you are a net consumer of “free government stuff” then it is in your interest to vote for more of it.
Jeb Bush tells us we have to support this because of love.
THIS alone might be enough to sober up some leftists.