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Permissible Hatred Week at College Insurrection

Permissible Hatred Week at College Insurrection

Your weekly dispatch from the world of higher education.

We’re always told that colleges have to be safe places for students. Controversial topics are prefaced with “trigger warnings” and “microaggressions” are frowned on. Unless you’re a Republican student, that is.

Then there are the real crimes.

Meanwhile, over at Berkeley…

Blame it on the stupidity of the American voter.

Rape culture update.

Senator Elizabeth Warren couldn’t be reached for comment.

Milking Ferguson on campus.

BDS update.

What difference does it make?

You don’t say…

The higher ed bubble grows.

Doubling down on stupid.

Rioting 101.

Happy Holidays.

Thanks for reading College Insurrection!

Featured image via FOX News video.


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This prof is ugly inside and out. Yikes!

    Paul in reply to walls. | December 20, 2014 at 11:38 am

    Using her own “logic” does this mean it’s ok to hate her?

    Whatever happened to “love you neighbor as yourself”?


    Merry Christmas!

We should have a vote. Which do these leftist-Obama shock troops resemble more closely:

1-Mao’s Red Guard; or

2- Hitler’s Brownshirts?

The activities and funding of the American left’s growing number of thugs is being directed by and funded by America’s current president – much like Mao’s Red Guard and Hitler’s Brownshirts were directed and funded their respective governments

So the intimidation has started. Murder is next.

Do you think McTurtle and Squeaker Boehner, Pee Wee Prebus, Mittens Romney, John McCain, Jeb Bush, Goober Graham and Karl Rove will lead the push-back against them?

Dear Redheaded Professor: WHEW..!! Deepest sympathies on that Ugly Stick you been beaten with there, Comrade Thought Policeman!!

Let’s seeeeeeeee….A little visual/oral juxtaposition twixt you and the smart, ravishing Megyn Kelly. WHEW..!!