Our Senate Majority has their committee assignments

Today, the Senate released committee assignments for the 114th Congress, and revealed just how big of a difference having a majority can hold. Republicans are set to gain as many as three seats on the powerful Judiciary, Finance, and Environment and Public Works Committees, which means Republicans will have an early upper hand on issues that affect appointments, confirmations, and immigration.

Senators new to the game have received placements that play to their strengths. Louisiana victor Bill Cassidy will continue his focus on resource development on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee; meanwhile, Iowa’s Joni Ernst will be able to flex her rural background on the Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee.

Politico has the breakdown on how the rest of the committees will be affected:

The following Senate panels will gain two Republican seats: Agriculture, Appropriations, Armed Services, Banking, Budget, Commerce, Energy, Foreign Relations, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Indian Affairs, Joint Economic, Rules and Administration, Small Business, Select Committee on Aging and Veterans’ Affairs. The Intelligence Committee picks up one GOP seat, while the split on the Ethics Committee remains the same.Republican leadership awarded four incoming Senate freshman with plum spots on the powerful Appropriations Committee: Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, James Lankford of Oklahoma and Steve Daines of Montana. And the Budget Committee’s two new Republicans — Perdue and Bob Corker of Tennessee — will also have the additional task of choosing who their new chairman will be: Mike Enzi of Wyoming or Jeff Sessions of Alabama, the current ranking member.

According to the Senate Republican Communications Center, The assignments are subject to ratification by the Republican Conference as well as the full Senate. New Committee Chairs will be selected by a vote of the members of each respective panel and then ratified by the Republican Conference.

Here’s the full list of assignments:

Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry
Pat Roberts, Kansas
Thad Cochran, Mississippi
Mitch McConnell, Kentucky
John Boozman, Arkansas
John Hoeven, North Dakota
David Perdue, Georgia
Joni Ernst, Iowa
Thom Tillis, North Carolina
Ben Sasse, Nebraska
Chuck Grassley, Iowa
John Thune, South Dakota

Thad Cochran, Mississippi
Mitch McConnell, Kentucky
Richard Shelby, Alabama
Lamar Alexander, Tennessee
Susan Collins, Maine
Lisa Murkowski, Alaska
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
Mark Kirk, Illinois
Roy Blunt, Missouri
Jerry Moran, Kansas
John Hoeven, North Dakota
John Boozman, Arkansas
Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia
Bill Cassidy, Louisiana
James Lankford, Oklahoma
Steve Daines, Montana

Armed Services
John McCain, Arizona
James Inhofe, Oklahoma
Jeff Sessions, Alabama
Roger Wicker, Mississippi
Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire
Deb Fischer, Nebraska
Tom Cotton, Arkansas
Mike Rounds, South Dakota
Joni Ernst, Iowa
Thom Tillis, North Carolina
Dan Sullivan, Alaska
Mike Lee, Utah
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
Ted Cruz, Texas

Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Richard Shelby, Alabama
Mike Crapo, Idaho
Bob Corker, Tennessee
David Vitter, Louisiana
Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania
Mark Kirk, Illinois
Jerry Moran, Kansas
Tim Scott, South Carolina
Tom Cotton, Arkansas
Mike Rounds, South Dakota
Ben Sasse, Nebraska
Dean Heller, Nevada

Chuck Grassley, Iowa
Mike Enzi, Wyoming
Jeff Sessions, Alabama
Mike Crapo, Idaho
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
Rob Portman, Ohio
Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania
Ron Johnson, Wisconsin
Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire
Roger Wicker, Mississippi
Bob Corker, Tennessee
David Perdue, Georgia

Commerce, Science, and Transportation
John Thune, South Dakota
Roger Wicker, Mississippi
Roy Blunt, Missouri
Marco Rubio, Florida
Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire
Dean Heller, Nevada
Ted Cruz, Texas
Deb Fischer, Nebraska
Dan Sullivan, Alaska
Jerry Moran, Kansas
Ron Johnson, Wisconsin
Cory Gardner, Colorado
Steve Daines, Montana

Energy and Natural Resources
Lisa Murkowski, Alaska
John Barrasso, Wyoming
Jim Risch, Idaho
Mike Lee, Utah
Jeff Flake, Arizona
Bill Cassidy, Louisiana
Cory Gardner, Colorado
Steve Daines, Montana
Rob Portman, Ohio
John Hoeven, North Dakota
Lamar Alexander, Tennessee
Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia

Environment and Public Works
James Inhofe, Oklahoma
David Vitter, Louisiana
John Barrasso, Wyoming
Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia
Mike Crapo, Idaho
John Boozman, Arkansas
Jeff Sessions, Alabama
Roger Wicker, Mississippi
Deb Fischer, Nebraska
Mike Rounds, South Dakota
Dan Sullivan, Alaska

Orrin Hatch, Utah
Chuck Grassley, Iowa
Mike Crapo, Idaho
Pat Roberts, Kansas
Mike Enzi, Wyoming
John Cornyn, Texas
John Thune, South Dakota
Richard Burr, North Carolina
Johnny Isakson, Georgia
Rob Portman, Ohio
Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania
Dan Coats, Indiana
Dean Heller, Nevada
Tim Scott, South Carolina

Foreign Relations
Bob Corker, Tennessee
Jim Risch, Idaho
Marco Rubio, Florida
Ron Johnson, Wisconsin
Jeff Flake, Arizona
Cory Gardner, Colorado
David Perdue, Georgia
Johnny Isakson, Georgia
Rand Paul, Kentucky
John Barrasso, Wyoming

Health, Education, Labor and Pensions
Mike Enzi, Wyoming
Lamar Alexander, Tennessee
Richard Burr, North Carolina
Johnny Isakson, Georgia
Rand Paul, Kentucky
Susan Collins, Maine
Lisa Murkowski, Alaska
Mark Kirk, Illinois
Tim Scott, South Carolina
Orrin Hatch, Utah
Pat Roberts, Kansas
Bill Cassidy, Louisiana

Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
John McCain, Arizona
Ron Johnson, Wisconsin
Rob Portman, Ohio
Rand Paul, Kentucky
James Lankford, Oklahoma
Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire
Mike Enzi, Wyoming
Joni Ernst, Iowa
Ben Sasse, Nebraska

Indian Affairs
John Barrasso, Wyoming
John McCain, Arizona
Lisa Murkowski, Alaska
John Hoeven, North Dakota
James Lankford, Oklahoma
Steve Daines, Montana
Mike Crapo, Idaho
Jerry Moran, Kansas

Joint Economic Committee
Dan Coats, Indiana
Mike Lee, Utah
Ted Cruz, Texas
Bill Cassidy, Louisiana
Tom Cotton, Arkansas
Ben Sasse, Nebraska

Chuck Grassley, Iowa
Orrin Hatch, Utah
Jeff Sessions, Alabama
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
John Cornyn, Texas
Mike Lee, Utah
Ted Cruz, Texas
Jeff Flake, Arizona
David Vitter, Louisiana
David Perdue, Georgia
Thom Tillis, North Carolina

Rules and Administration
Lamar Alexander, Tennessee
Mitch McConnell, Kentucky
Thad Cochran, Mississippi
Pat Roberts, Kansas
Richard Shelby, Alabama
Roy Blunt, Missouri
Ted Cruz, Texas
Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia
John Boozman, Arkansas
Roger Wicker, Mississippi

Select Committee on Ethics
Johnny Isakson, Georgia
Pat Roberts, Kansas
Jim Risch, Idaho

Select Committee on Intelligence
Richard Burr, North Carolina
Jim Risch, Idaho
Dan Coats, Indiana
Marco Rubio, Florida
Susan Collins, Maine
Roy Blunt, Missouri
James Lankford, Oklahoma
Tom Cotton, Arkansas

Small Business and Entrepreneurship
David Vitter, Louisiana
Jim Risch, Idaho
Marco Rubio, Florida
Rand Paul, Kentucky
Tim Scott, South Carolina
Deb Fischer, Nebraska
Cory Gardner, Colorado
Joni Ernst, Iowa
Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire
Mike Enzi, Wyoming

Special Committee on Aging
Susan Collins, Maine
Orrin Hatch, Utah
Mark Kirk, Illinois
Jeff Flake, Arizona
Bob Corker, Tennessee
Dean Heller, Nevada
Tim Scott, South Carolina
Tom Cotton, Arkansas
David Perdue, Georgia
Thom Tillis, North Carolina
Ben Sasse, Nebraska

Veterans’ Affairs
Johnny Isakson, Georgia
Jerry Moran, Kansas
John Boozman, Arkansas
Dean Heller, Nevada
Bill Cassidy, Louisiana
Mike Rounds, South Dakota
Thom Tillis, North Carolina
Dan Sullivan, Alaska

Tags: US Senate